您所在的位置: 首页> 新闻列表> 详解澳洲大学的学历(AQF)设置
澳大利亚学历资格框架(Australia Qualifications Framework)是澳大利亚的一项国策,不仅服务于澳大利亚本国学生,也使留澳的国际学生获益。通过对AQF的了解,我们可以知道,澳洲的学位设置基本分为以下几种:
1 职业证书
2 高级职业证书
3 本科
本科一般是3-4年,但部分专业如医科、兽医、法律等可能会有5年的。由于英式教育体系非常注重本科教育,因此本科的学习会非常intensive的。基本上上午上课,下午实际操作,各种presentation、quiz、test、group project、lab report,让你“欢度3年”。
如果你够hardworking,课题也比较creative,恭喜你,你可能有机会获得First classhonour. 这是非常高的荣耀,甚至可以直接申请读Phd。不过一般honour和科学系挂钩。
4 硕士研究生
一是courseworkmaster,学时1.5-2 年。前一阶段大多是基础课,后面就是做一个论文课题。我们建议尽量申请2年的课程,能够拿到2年的工作签证。
5 博士
1. 澳大利亚大学和高等院校:
1 . Australian Catholic University
2 . Bond University
3 . Central Queensland University
4 . Charles Darwin University
5 . Charles Sturt University
6 . Curtin University of Technology
7 . Deakin University
8 . Edith Cowan University
9 . Flinders University
10 . Griffith University
11 . James Cook University
12 . La Trobe University
13 . Macquarie University
14 . Monash University
15 . Murdoch University
16 . National Institute of Dramatic Arts
17 . Queensland University of Technology
18 . RMIT University
19 . Southern Cross University
20 . Swinburne University of Technology
21 . The Australian National University
22 . The College of Law
23 . The University of Adelaide
24 . The University of Melbourne
25 . The University of New England
26 . The University of New South Wales
27 . The University of Newcastle
28 . The University of Notre Dame Australia
29 . The University of Queensland
30 . The University of Sydney
31 . The University of Western Australia
32 . Top Education Institute
33 . University of Ballarat
34 . University of Canberra
35 . University of South Australia
36 . University of Southern Queensland
37 . University of Tasmania
38 . University of Technology Sydney
39 . University of the Sunshine Coast
40 . University of Western Sydney
41 . University of Wollongong
42 . Victoria University
2. 公立技术与继续教育学院:
Australian Capital Territory Canberra Institute of Technology
New South Wales
1.Hunter Institute of Technology
2.Illawarra Institute of TAFE
3.New England Institute of TAFE
4.North Coast Institute of TAFE
5.Northern Sydney Institute of TAFE
6.Riverina Institute of TAFE
7.South Western Sydney Institute of TAFE
8.Sydney Institute of Technology 9.Western Institute of TAFE
10.Western Sydney Institute of TAFE Northern Territory Charles Darwin University
1.Barrier Re Institute of TAFE
2.Brisbane North Institute of TAFE (including TAFE Open Learning)
3.Central Queensland Institute of TAFE
4.Gold Coast Institute of TAFE
5.Metropolitan South Institute of TAFE
6.Mount Isa Institute of TAFE
7.SkillsTech Australia
8.Southbank Institute of Technology
9.Southern Queensland Institute of TAFE
10.Sunshine Coast Institute of TAFE
11.The Bremer Institute of TAFE
12.Tropical North Queensland Institute of TAFE
13.Wide Bay Institute of TAFE
South Australia
1.Adelaide Institute of TAFE
2.Douglas Mawson Institute of TAFE
3.Murray Institute of TAFE
4.Onkaparinga Institute of TAFE
5.Regency Institute of TAFE
6.Spencer Institute of TAFE
7.Torrens Valley Institute of TAFE
The Institute of TAFE Tasmania
1.Bendigo Regional Institute of TAFE
2.Box Hill Institute of TAFE
3.Central Gippsland Institute of TAFE
4.Chisholm Institute of TAFE
5.East Gippsland Institute of TAFE
6.Gordon Institute of TAFE
7.Goulburn Ovens Institute of TAFE
8.Holmesglen Institute of TAFE
9.Kangan Batman Institute of TAFE
10.Northern Melbourne Institute of TAFE
11.RMIT University (TAFE Division)
12.South West Institute of TAFE
13.Sunraysia Institute of TAFE
14.Swinburne University of Technology (TAFE Division)
15.University of Ballarat (TAFE Division)
16.The University of Melbourne Institute of Land and Food Resources (TAFE Division)
17.Victoria University (TAFE Division)
18.William Angliss Institute of TAFE
19.Wodong a Institute of TAFE
Western Australia
1.Central West College of TAFE
2.Challenger TAFE
3.Curtin University of Technology*
4.CY O'Connor College of TAFE
5.Great Southern TAFE
6.Kimberley College of TAFE
7.Pilbara TAFE
8.Polytechnic West
9.South West Regional College of TAFE
10.TAFE International Western Australia
11.West Coast College of TAFE
立即咨询Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲