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[font=微软雅黑][size=2]最近大部分获得安省省提名递交联邦的申请人被CIC强制要求提供工作方面的证明,其中包括MASTER/PHD无需工作类别的申请人,前期大家以为是CIC的群发失误,但是后来CIC的回复口吻很强硬,必须提供工作证明,提供不了给出合理解释。 [b]下面是CIC的要求补料邮件:[/b] this is in rerence to your application for permanent residence to Canada as a member of the Ontario provincial nominee class. In order to continue with the processing of your application, we are requesting that you provide us with the following documents. Please send clear legible photocopies rather than the original documents. If the documents are not written in either English or French, please enclose a certified translation with a photocopy of the original document. The job offer from your prospective employer indicating your occupation title and wage for the full-time, permanent position being offered. A copy of your curriculum vitae. If you are currently employed in Canada, provide proof of employment (e.g., Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) Notice of Assessment and CRA T4 Statement of Remuneration Paid). Proof of membership and/or registration in regulated occupations if you intend to work in an occupation that requires registration or certification in Ontario. Rerence letters showing at least 2 years of experience in the previous 5 years for your intended occupation for both work done outside or inside of Canada. Proof of education including transcripts. [color=Red] 据我所知有一些联邦阶段已经审理完毕通过,邮寄的护照都被退回,要重新补充资料进行further verifications。[/color] 我一年前说过加拿大新的移民系统将特别看重工作经验,[color=#ff0000]不符合未来潮流的无需工作经验的学生类别移民将很难延续[/color]。现在出现了这个状况,学生类别到了联邦阶段被强制要求提供工作证明,很有可能我1年前的预测要成为现实了。这里还是忠告那些还在国内想来安省或者BC读研究生移民的朋友,请谨慎分析你的专业在加拿大的就业形势。[/size][/font][font=微软雅黑][size=2] [b]以下是CIC的对此次事件的官方回复:[/b][/size][/font] [font=微软雅黑][size=2] The applicant must follow the instructions in our letter. If there are documents that they are unable to submit, then they should explain why they are not available. Regards, Case Processing Centre - Ottawa | Centrede traitement des demandes - Ottawa -Citizenship and Immigration Canada |Citoyenneté et Immigration Canada 219 Laurier Avenue West Ottawa | 219 avenue Laurier Ouest 7th Floor | 7ème étage, Section BOttawa ON K1A 1L1 Canada Facsimile | Télécopieur 613-946-6059E-mail I Courriel : [url=mailto:CPC-CTD-Ottawa@cic.gc.ca]CPC-CTD-Ottawa@cic.gc.ca[/url] Site : [url= 我以前分析过,加拿大的各省的PNP项目的权利掌握在CIC手中(魁省除外),就算你拿到省提名,CIC随时有权利revoke提名状或者在联邦审查阶段拒掉你。半年前还有人跟我争论过安省PNP不会并入EOI,学生类别不会取消,来源是其认识的印度中介说了不会取消。现在官方已经证明了我的第一个论点,PNP并入EOI。至于学生类别还会不会存在,CIC的这次强制补料就是个不详的预兆,以后的发展咱们拭目以待吧![/size][/font] [font=微软雅黑][size=2]原文作者:zhangyu316[/size][/font] [font=微软雅黑][size=2]原文链接:[url= [font=微软雅黑][size=2]澳际原创 转载请注明出处[/size][/font]立即咨询
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