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  中国传统文化专题 Topics on Chinese Traditional Culture

  中国当代文学史 History of Chinese Contemporary Literature

  中国革命史 History of Chinese Revolution

  中国古代建筑史 History of Ancient Chinese Architecture

  中国古代名著欣赏 Appreciation of Famous Ancient Chinese Works

  中国古代史 History of Ancient China

  中国古代文学作品选讲 Selected Readings of Ancient Chinese Literary Work

  中国古典文学 Classical Chinese Literature

  中国古典小说名著选讲 Selected Readings of Famous Classical Chinese Novels

  中国古典小说选讲 Selected Readings of Classical Chinese Novels

  中国画技巧 Technique of Chinese Painting

  中国近现代经济史 History of Recent & Modern Chinese Economy

  中国近代史 Modern History of China

  中国经济地理 Chinese Economic Geography

  中国经济与社会发展战略 Chinese Economy & Social Development Strategy

  中国历代诗歌选 Selections of Chinese Poetry

  中国美术欣赏 Appreciation of Chicese Art

  中国美学史 History of Chinese Aesthetics

  中国社会学史 History of Chinese Sociology

  中国社会主义建设 Chinese Socialist Construction

  中国诗话词话研究 Research on Chinese Poetry & Prose

  中国文学 Chinese Literature

  中国文学史 History of Chinese Literature

  中国现代史 Contemporary History of China

  中国现代文学史 Contemporary Literature History of China

  中国现代小说流派 Schools of Chinese Contemporary Novel

  中国语文 Chinese Language

  中级无机化学 Medium Inorganic Chemistry

  中级无机化学实验 Experiment on Medium Inorganic Chemistry

  中社建文献选读 Selected Readings of Chinese Socialist Construction Documents

  中英文打字与编排 Typing & Editing in English & Chinese

  轴流式压缩机 Axial Flow Compressor

  铸钢及有色金属 Steel-Casting & Colored Metal

  铸件成形理论 Theory of Casting Forming

  铸件形成理论基础 Basis of Cast Forming Theory

  铸铁熔炼 Castiron Melting

  铸铁孕育 Preparation of Castiron

  铸压加热设备 Heating Equipment for Die Casting

  铸造测试技术 Measuring Technique for Casting

  铸造车间环境保护 Environmental Protection for Casting Shop

  铸造车间设计原理 Principle of Casting Shop Design

  铸造工艺及设计 Foundry Technology

  铸造合金 Casting Alloy

  铸造合金及熔炼 Cast Alloy & Melting

  铸造合金原理及熔炼 Principles of Cast Alloy & Melting

  铸造化学 Casting Chemistry

  铸造机构 Casting Mechanism

  铸造机械设备 Casting Equipment of Machine

  铸造设备 Casting Equipment

  铸造新工艺 New Casting Technique

  注塑工艺 Shooting Technique

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