


2017/07/30 00:50:08 编辑: 英国 浏览次数:320 移动端


  Computer Games Programming personal statement

  I find the fields of Artificial Intelligence and Games Physics interesting and so I have decided to study a course to include these areas. I am currently studying an A level in Information Technology in which I have used Visual Basic in Microsoft Excel and Access. At home I have used the actionscript language in Macromedia Flash to build an interactive personal website. I found this aspect of computing very interesting and so I will really enjoy programming in C++ and other programming languages. I am also studying an A level in Mathematics that I really enjoy. This would be usul for many parts of the course such as games physics.

  When I’ve played computer games in the past I have always wanted to be able to create something similar. Consequently, the computer games programming course stood out as something that I really wanted to do. I have used some software programs such as Microsoft Visual Basic, Softimage|XSI ESP 3.0, Discreet 3DS MAX 5 (evaluation version) and Maya Personal Learning Edition. I would like to see people’s enjoyment when playing a game, knowing that I took part in producing it.

  I have emailed a few programming companies such as Valve Software, id software, Lionsoft, Electronic Arts and Codemasters explaining my situation and asking whether it would be better to take a games programming course or a software development course and learn game specific items afterwards or in my spare time. All of the replies advised me to take the computer games programming course as this way I would already possess the games programming knowledge.

  Undertaking my work experience as a sales assistant in a computer store allowed me to develop skills such as working in a team and dealing with customers. Although I was working with others a lot of the time, I also had to work independently. This allowed me to use my own initiative and solve problems.

  Whilst attending Sutton High Sports College, I have done a large amount of voluntary work. During years 10 and 11, I helped with the schools open days and sports days where I did scoring. I also took part in after school activities such as playing music. Outside of school I have helped at “Darby and Joan’s” which is for old aged pensioners where they can get together for company, and to talk and play bingo. Year 12 saw me helping with the year 6 induction day, and assisting with scoring on both the school’s open day and the St. Helens Athletic Finals. Participation in a first aid course gained me a certificate in “Emergency Aid in the workplace for Appointed Persons.” This involved areas such as resuscitation and control of bleeding.

  Hobbies and interests include reading books; the genres prerred being science fiction and horror. I also like playing piano of which I am currently working towards grade 8, and I have played “The Skaters’ Waltz” at Parr Hall (a concert hall) in Warrington. I enjoy using my computer for playing games, including playing games online, and for using the internet to keep up to date with current news in the computing and gaming world, new hardware and software releases.

  My interests cover a wide area, which I believe will help me in both academic and social life at university.

  My aim is to become a computer games programmer developing any type of game for PC or console, and I believe that a university course will help me achieve my goal.

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