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  Law Personal Statement

  I promise to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

  Years of developing my intellectual capacity for my academic interests, wanting to hold privilege jobs and leadership positions in the future, I have a sense of purpose and unwavering dedication in doing the most with the opportunities available.

  Lawyers have been my enduring inspiration. The present world is a very complex place and some, who do not recognise the inner workings of a system can be bowled over onto the right track by someone who knows the ropes better- the Lawyers- the experts at navigating the confusing day-to-day living. Minute adjustments in the position and condition of the corpse might prove to be conclusive as to client&aposs innocence or guilt in a murder investigation. Law is plunging into depth of detail, and for me, it would be captivating to work in an area where I can make a positive impact upon people.

  I have a well-established record of outstanding success in extra-curricular activities,causing my achievements to become more credible. Having worked at a city firm of solicitors, specialising in commercial litigation, conveyancing and matrimonial Law, it gave me a usulinsight into not just the ordinary and routine aspects of work for Lawyers but how Law is applied and the legal process in practice. I observed client consultations, I had an attempt to draft legal documents and largely, proofreading various letters. In addition, I have visited a number of cases at the Crown, Magistrates and County Courts at available time as a rlection of my deep and passionate interest. I am a regular reader of "The Lawyer" and currently at No. 3 on the leaderboard at thelawyer2b.com for my "Lawyer instinct". I have attended an intensive PreLaw course in Oxford, run by a team of barristers and solicitors. This enlightened me to the complexities, yet the benits of pursuing a Law degree; presenting legal and ethical dilemmas, the cross-examination and the life of a Lawyer.

  Alongside my enthusiasm for the Law, I have committed to numerous, Law-related activities within my Sixth-Form College, such as, participating in the Debating Society, the National Youth Parliament and lastly, proposing a position as the prosecuting barrister in the National Bar Mock Trial Competition. I have also spoken to the Polish President which was an intriguing experience. I find myself a successful student in education, and in enrichments. However, I wish to increase this extensive variety of activities and experience a mini-pupillage.

  My non-academic interests scope from Bharatnatyam dancing (Indian Classical dancing) to reading fiction. I also take pleasure in swimming from an early age, playing the piano and attending drama club, all of which has taught me to become a social individual as well as a highly determined student.

  Currently studying a wide range of A-Level courses will enable me to become an all-rounded Lawyer. Mathematics increases my logic, Sociology helps me understand the workings of the social system around us, Chemistry gives me analytical, scientific and practical skills and lastly, the English Language course sharpens my written and oral skills.

  For no one, no matter how self-sufficient and academically gifted, it is not easy to go through the toughness of being a Lawyer. Having the aptitude to cope, I believe I will be a thriving woman for this upcoming generation in the Law. Unlike many applicants of the Law, I have acknowledged the drawbacks of what I am delving into from first-hand experience and research I have acquired, to make a well-informed decision. However, it had strengthened my resolve to read Law, rather than to retreat.

  In the end, life is not about aiming for perfection. It is about how my accomplishments can benit the lives of others, and prevailing in even the most difficult of circumstances in order to realise the true rewarding feeling that&aposs greatly satisfying.

  Has the jury reached a verdict?

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