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  Law personal statement

  Great figures like Ghandi and Martin Luther King caused massive changes and few would deny their impact on the world in which we now live. Sometimes, however, change and making a difference comes in smaller, less distinct steps. Laws make a difference, and it is often the little things in law that make the big differences. This is what fascinates me about it.

  I have a passion for learning which has stemmed from my challenging and positive educational experiences. Early on in my education I took part in a mock trial in which I was chosen to be the dence barrister. As we went through the process of the trial I developed a zest for law which was spurred on by my teacher and family&aposs encouragement. I have always been a forward thinker and began to look towards a future in which I could see myself practising law. My other educational experiences have given me high aspirations, developed my values and taught me the importance of responsibility. My own responsibility is rlected in my participation in school, from holding the position of prect to roles in Sixth Form where I have guided young pupils through &aposIn Class Support&apos, and my important role as &aposSubject Leader&apos of Sociology. These positions have helped me develop my communication, preparation, and organizational skills. When I moved schools to study more relevant and challenging subjects it demonstrated my willingness and confidence to pursue new challenges; and I believe my A-Level study has not only bettered me academically but has in my opinion prepared me for a career in law.

  My appetite for new endeavours has led me to participate in several extra-curricular activities such as co-creating and writing for a local and popular magazine for young people. I have also run events for the charity Breast Cancer Care such as Bake Sales spurred on by my mother&aposs own personal battle with the illness. These activities have required a significant degree of commitment, integrity and competence. Outside of school I enjoy reading about politics and world events in The Guardian and The Independent.

  I have also had a wide and varied experience of the world of work. For two years I have worked as a Sales Advisor in a local Department Store where I have been trusted with tasks such as handling customer accounts, and training a new employee. This shows that I am regarded as trustworthy and capable of both leading and working with others. I have also sought out direct experience in the field of law. Over the past year I have shadowed solicitors of a local council, observing procedures at every level; from case work and preparation to litigation in the Courts. This insight has improved my awareness of what a career in law will entail and shown me the realistic and demanding side of being a solicitor. Instead of deterring me away from said career I have been inspired me to aim high.

  Furthermore as my knowledge of law has grown I have developed a specific and keen interest in family law. Therore I have sought out relevant experience through working for the organisation CAFCASS. They look after the interests of children involved in family court proceedings. I shadowed a guardian and worked with them on their cases and with their clients. I feel that this venture has taught me a lot about the specifics of family law and the relationships with clients; and it has confirmed my beli that law is for me.

  It has been said by my teachers and peers alike that I have acquired valuable skills and experience as a result of my endeavours; qualities which I hope would not only contribute significantly to a my time as an independent and conscientious student at University, but assist me on my way to a promising career in law.

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