


2017/07/30 00:39:57 编辑: 英国 浏览次数:391 移动端




  今年的创意产业方面可谓大热之选啊!申请真的是相当火爆,尤其是KCL的CCI,其他这个方面的热门的学校有st Andrews,UAL等等.这里要说到的优势专业冷门学校是cranfeild了.不错这个在物流,航空,机械等方面建树斐然的研究型大学了。大家可能很意外,为什么说cranfeild在这方面有优势呢?

  这就要说到下面隆重介绍的专业了:MDes Innovation and Creativity in Industry Master of Design这个专业是与UAL合办,比较新的,开课才一年的时间,主要合作单位是LCC.这是一个相当有实践性和可操作性的专业,每年全球招20名学生,其中非欧盟的招收10名.这个课程名称上是一个设计课程,实际上没有严格的对设计背景的要求,更多的是鼓励学生以设计者的思想和态度去解决问题,欢迎不同背景的学生加入到这个课程.So 在这方面没有自信的同学就不用怕了~~整个课程以设计为导向的课程,混合着制造,管理,商务等元素,培养学生用设计者的思想去解决实际运用中各个不同领域的问题。这个课程相当的前卫和新颖,目前纵观世界的其他国家大学,开设的课程少之又少,但是行业前景确实相当不错。论坛上有童鞋拿到了offer,也从导师了解到了课程的信息.大家对这个专业如果需要一个形象化得了解的话可以看看IDEO的网站,研究的重点大致相同.


  Compulsory modules

  Creative Design Practice

  Integrated Strategy, Communication and Branding

  Customer Lifestyle Requirements Engineering

  Use of Novel Materials and Manufacturing Techniques

  Concept Evaluation and Prototyping

  Innovation and Technology Management

  Programme and Project Management.

  Elective modules

  Creative Design Management and Leadership

  Creative Enterprise and Entrepreneurship

  Innovation and Design for Sustainability.

  期间有很多大大小小的project或者team work,时常要前往london的LCC与那里的学生一起做项目,讨论方案。与此同时还有很多参观,演讲等学习活动.


  Projects each year depend on the particular sponsors, however we have established relationships with a number of companies that are expected to produce partnership projects on a regular basis. The projects currently in operation are:

  1. Proctor and Gamble: Creative compaction, examining customer responses and design of new products.

  2. National Health Service: preparing populations for disaster occurrence and designing equipment.

  3. Design for Health: Developing domestic personal products from health science and micro-manufacture.

  Thesis projects with external clients, now being allotted:

  1. Proctor and Gamble: Market analysis and design

  2. Water Science

  3. Wilson Cooke Designers: Design performance monitoring

  4. IPR: Investigating law relating to design ownership and business models:

  5. Xerox: Product Design fectiveness evaluation

  6. London Associates Designers: Design process evaluation

  7. Samsung Cameras: Design for future product concepts

  8. Transport: Development of freight transport

  9. Ford: Customer insight investigation

  10. Herman-Miller: Development method investigation

  11. National Health Service: Design for specific needs

  12. Innovations Factory: Design and engineering of health products.



  I hope this is usul. Cranfield Masters graduates have a very strong record of attaining high industry positions, the published figure is 90%. The MDes: Innovation and Creativity in Industry is in its first year of Masters study, however, the course was created due to industry and public sector demand, and there is a high level of interest in the students. Any student’s future employment depends also on the focus of their interest and the buoyancy of that industry sector, flexibility is often the key that produces success.



  最近这学长他们还参加了16th Research Methodology Workshop in Cambridge这个剑桥大学只为PHD开设的workshop厄

  推荐专业:MDes Innovation and Creativity in Industry Master of Design



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