


2017/07/30 00:39:34 编辑: 英国 浏览次数:292 移动端


  Accounting and Mathematics Personal Statement

  Attending an interesting and informative lecture on Accounting and Mathematics confirmed my desire to do a degree in this field. I was under the impression that accountancy purely involved dealing with figures, but I learned that they are advisors who help businesses maximise profits whilst minimising liabilities to ensure they comply with regulations. I have also learnt that accountants are always in demand in the economy as they play an important part in any business.

  I have always expressed an interest for Maths; from the age of 7, I attended an after school maths class called Kumon, which helped me develop my mental arithmetic skills and apply them to harder and more complex problems. My passion has grown throughout secondary school, but I have become especially interested and aware of topics throughout my studies at A-Level. Studying Maths and Further Maths has provided me with the opportunity to learn different aspects of mathematics in-depth and about the different theories and how they were derived. Furthermore, I feel it has given me an insight into working out statistical problems and relating these to real life situations. My genuine interest and passion for maths has been demonstrated through, and enhanced by, events such as the Intermediate Mathematics Challenge, for which I achieved a silver award. This year I am participating in the MTUK Senior Mathematics Challenge and hoping to achieve high results.

  I also study Economics which has allowed me to appreciate how theories are put into practice and has broadened my understanding of issues concerning present day affairs. Studying Economics while in an Economic recession has helped me in many ways. Firstly, in understanding how the government and firms use different policies in order to maintain a healthy business. It has also given me an opportunity to see how the recession has affected people working in various industries and how the government has tried to encourage sales by cutting the value added tax from 17.5% to 15%. With the hope of putting what I had learned into practice, I took the part of financial director in Young Enterprise in Year 10. My responsibilities included the management and allocation of the set-up capital as well as the calculation of revenue, expenses and profit. Here I worked with other members of the team to figure out how the capital would be best spent, allowing me to develop my communication, planning and organisational skills.

  Outside school, I like keeping active. This involves going to the gym four times a week and attending a dance class as often as possible in order to keep fit. My personal fitness is very important to me as I feel that it provides me with opportunities to demonstrate concentration and self discipline. While the gym relies on personal motivation and dedication, dance allows me to exercise in a more social atmosphere. In addition to this, I have a part time job in Boots for whom I have been working for over two years. I feel that working there has allowed me to gain skills as an individual, as it has given me the opportunity to develop my communication skills and handle situations using my own initiative.

  As an individual I strive to achieve the highest possible result in everything I do. I am looking forward to the challenges I will face at University and am eager to show enthusiasm in furthering my knowledge in the subjects I am the most passionate about.

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