


2017/07/30 00:35:32 编辑: 英国 浏览次数:276 移动端


  Law Personal Statement

  Studying law would enable me to fulfil my lifelong ambition of becoming a lawyer and to succeed would be both rewarding and challenging

  Throughout my A-level studies I have become increasingly attracted to the study of law and wish to pursue a degree in this subject to reinforce and develop my knowledge and understanding of the legal system. I am very interested in the theoretical and philosophical aspects of the legal process especially how the development of the common law affects the criminal law, potentially changing an entire area of law through a single judgement. Through each of my subjects, I have been introduced to the concepts of law and justice

  I have a good insight into what law has to offer and what it entails through various acquaintances who are currently studying law

  As an individual, I have a good sense of judgement, and the whole concept of law means to fairly analyse situations and provide justice

  This is something which my personal qualities will allow me to do

  My interest in law stems from an early exposure to the subject. During my years in High School, was the time when I decided to become a lawyer. When I was in year 9, the school organised a police officer to come into school and he talked about the different laws which keep our society in hold and gave us guidance. I was intrigued and so profoundly interested in the subject of law, that it inspired me and urged me to have an aim of being a top class lawyer. I began to read up on law, making me more conscientious and curious in what it entailed

  That it why I also chose to do History for GCSE, so that I would have a more open perspective of historical events and a wider knowledge base of the events; politically and judicially that crafted the world into what it is today. I also find the history of the legal system interesting because of the way it has influenced and is being experienced by modern society

  Also studying Business studies at GCSE level gave me a taster of the business world. This gave me an understanding of the political area and helped to broaden my horizons, as to which areas of law would most suit my abilities, qualities and interests. This piqued my interest into the areas of commercial and criminal law

  The subjects I am currently taking give me a chance to practice my debating skills and helps me to express my opinions fairly and openly

  When participating in class discussions and debates I have an innate ability to get my point across and argue my side convincingly, which is a must for law

  I thoroughly enjoy the research, analysis and writing that go on in my chosen subjects of Sociology, Psychology, English Literature, Philosophy and Ethical studies

  Law interests me as it is such a big factor; it gives structure and guidance to our society today. I would like to have a broader perspective of our society and studying Sociology has helped me to achieve this. In many respects this is why I chose to study this subject

  Studying Sociology has helped to give me an insight in to the criminal aspects, which highly interested me. The way in which law helps to shape and mould our society fascinates me and gives me a thirst to learn more

  Psychology interested me as you learn about the thought processes of the mind. Psychology has given me the opportunity to understand the mind and the complicating and complex clockwork that is involved. I chose to study this subject, as in my view I thought it would help me to understand the body language and mind of a person. This subject is informative about the attitudes and behaviours of different individuals in our society. Learning this subject has dinitely made me more observant as a person

  I have been able to apply this acquired knowledge from the latter two subjects in my study of English Literature. I feel that the power of language is important when studying law. It enhances your ability to express your views more intelligently and widens your vocabulary

  Language can be used fectively in debates and discussions and can be overpowering, convincing and persuasive, which is much needed when getting your view or opinion across

  The study of Philosophy and Ethical studies has broadened my knowledge of religion and being a very religious and spiritual person it has made me stronger. A philosophical pursuit into the world of religion has helped me hone my critical thinking skills, which I now use in all aspects of my studies

  I always keep up to date with current affairs by reading newspapers but mainly watching the news. Every week I would use a newspaper article for my journal. This journal helps me to keep up with current affairs and helps me to express my opinion on the matters. This gives me an insight into current events which shape our society and the injustice that appears within our society, which I can help to change and make a difference. Volunteer work is an activity which I indulge in. I volunteer at a place called Kith and Kids. Here I help autistic kids and just have fun with them. I go there every week and do activities such as Art, Music, Drama and games to mentally and physically stimulate them. It is challenging and has made me very responsible, for me helping these kids makes me feel appreciative of what I have and has broadened my knowledge of life

  Another quality that I consider to be equally important is the ability to constructive and practical. During my spare time I do daily exercises as my physical fitness is important to me. I also play sports in my spare time such as basketball, cricket and football. In my school I was part of the basketball, netball and rounders team for many years. Which on many occasions, won the tournament cups, gathering many trophies and certificates for myself. I also value different cultures and forms of art. I find that indulging in the Arts is an active way of diversifying my interests and attitudes. I have enjoyed seeing plays such as Bombay Dreams, Lion King, The King and I, Phantom of the Opera, Les Miserables and Madhouse

  In my leisure time I occupy myself by playing sports, reading, watching films, listening to music or meeting with friends. I enjoy travelling to a variety of locations as this broadens my perspective of life. Meeting a wide range of people and learning about different cultures and traditions, is I believe of paramount importance in comprehending the entire world

  I believe I can contribute a genuine passion and enthusiasm for law; I am hoping to study at an institution which will allow me to develop the skills of analysis, reasoning and discussion required to be successful beyond undergraduate level. A law degree is a great opportunity to immerse myself in the legal structure and rules that shape our modern society and form part of the history of this country

  I look forward to studying this challenging and stimulating subject while being able to make full use of all the extra-curricular activities and faculties a university offers. I believe that I am an adaptable, articulate and well-rounded student with the necessary drive and application to thrive academically within a university environment, also obtaining my law degree to the highest standard possible thereafter, fulfilling my ambition to become a lawyer.

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