


2017/07/30 00:25:38 编辑: 英国 浏览次数:240 移动端


  Psychology personal statement

  Studying Psychology I hope to be the beginnings of a challenging and rewarding career. I look forward to working with and helping others in all ranges of psychological instances. A great achievement would be to work within psychological study. I have a passion and thirst for knowledge, I am naturally drawn to this subject which holds great depth and opportunity for never ending investigation. I have a love for art and became aware of an incredible artist named Stephen Wiltshire. His drawings, of complex cityscapes and the like, hold a remarkable amount of realistic detail. What makes Stephen Wilshire&aposs artwork so unique however is that he an Artistic Autistic Savant. The idea of Savantism fascinates me and instills much curiosity in the possibilities of the human mind,as do a variety of other psychological phenomenon. I look forward to feeding this curiosity and discovering more about all aspects of psychology.

  Having not formally studied Psychology, I feel I have gained many applicable skills and have had a variety of experiences in study,work and day to day life that will stand me in good stead for studying psychology at University. From my college studies in Media, I gained invaluable skills in research and essay compilation, working to both structured and open bri types successfully. Here, I developed a good work ethic, understanding the importance of structure and planning in producing good results. I have learned how crucial working to deadlines can be and discovered how working in this way really inspires me and drives me forward. Studying Media encouraged me to develop an analytical way of thinking and evaluative skills which will be transferable to my future study. Also important is that I have an open minded outlook on learning that will surely be highly advantageous in this subject area.

  From a young age I have traveled to the Far East to visit family living in Indonesia. This part of my life has had an enormous impact on who I am and has allowed me to see great things. I have been introduced to a completely different culture and experienced an alternative way of life that has allowed me to become aware of how big the world is, and how cultural differences have such an impact on individuals, particularly aspects such as lifestyle, religion and education. I have come to appreciate the many differences in human beings, and how these differences are influenced greatly by our environment.

  Having attended University brily bore, and for various reasons deciding to withdraw, I feel now more conclusive about my direction and better mentally prepared for higher education. I have come to realise how keen to learn I am and how I thrive in a situation where I am expanding my knowledge. In the year since deciding to discontinue my previous course, challenges have arising in life that have encouraged me to grow and strengthen. I have also had time to really consider my options and desires for the future. I have great confidence in my ability to achieve a degree level qualification and believe the maturity I have gained since my first attempt will only give me a more solid foundation for producing what I am best capable of.

  At this moment in time my knowledge of psychology is amateur, however expanding and I spend much of my free time trying to develop this knowledge by reading,researching and observing others. By often discussing things such as feelings and theories with friends, family and colleagues I feel I am constantly learning more and more about psychology and beginning to develop both my own ideas and questions. I hope to continue my study further after gaining a degree but alternatively, I have also considered the application of psychology in the Media and Marketing world, and how a psychology degree could greatly influence,contribute and provide insight for many careers. This degree will hopully be the opening to many great opportunities.

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