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Medical personal statement
My fascination with the human body is a direct result of early conversations with my mother, a nurse. She worked as a childbirth educator, and I was absolutely captivated by what she described to me about reproduction, and the incredible changes the female body undergoes during pregnancy. This interest lead me straight through a BSc in Biology, during which my scientific intrigue has continued to blossom. Becoming a physician has always been an aspiration of mine, and my university studies have truly cemented this desire. In this bri summary of my life I hope to illustrate that I have long been preparing for the challenge of Medical School and that I believe I have acquired the skills and perseverance necessary to succeed.
A sense of social responsibility is an important quality of any hopul physician, and my manner of demonstrating this characteristic is through volunteer work. For the past four years I have worked as a Doctor&aposs Assistant for a non-profit sexual health clinic. The responsibilities of this role entailed accompanying the Doctor into the examining room, assisting him or her with the examination, interacting with patients to help them feel more at ease and filling out the necessary test requisitions and billing information. This job has proved an excellent opportunity for obtaining hands-on experience in a clinical setting and it has provided me with an idea of how to communicate with a patient in order to make their visit both comfortable and productive. The Doctors at the clinic have also been a valuable resource to me, always willing to answer my many questions pertaining both to life as a physician and medicine in general. Another rewarding volunteer experience I had was as the President of my university&aposs cancer fundraising club. I learned invaluable leadership skills in this role as my responsibilities included preparing for and running club meetings, organizing fundraising events and delegating tasks to club members. The club member&aposs hard work and dedication helped us to raise over 5000 dollars for the Canadian Cancer Society.
One of my great passions is for travel, and I have spent time abroad whenever money and time would permit. In 2003 I spent the summer living and working in London. This was likely my first real test of self reliance, and it was certainly a rewarding experience. I obtained employment at a busy shop on Oxford Street, and within two weeks I had been promoted to supervisor. The money I made there supported me on a backpacking trip through much of France and Spain. I so thoroughly enjoyed my time in Europe, London in particular, that I would like nothing more than to return there to study. I was also fortunate enough to participate in an exchange program at the prestigious Mahidol University in Bangkok; unquestionably one of the most influential experiences of my life. I was touched by the peacul and gentle nature of the Thais and as I had studied world religions as my minor at university, it was particularly fascinating to me to observe a culture deeply rooted in Buddhist ideals. Being so centrally located in Southeast Asia, I was able to travel to the surrounding countries of China, Vietnam, Singapore, Malaysia, Laos, Brunei and Burma. Each country was a unique and exciting adventure and I was eager to learn about the rich history and culture exclusive to each nation.
My work experiences in retail and as a waitress have all been oriented towards customer service and have taught me excellent communication skills, time management, organization and how to remain calm during periods of high stress.
Other passions of mine include playing the piano, which I have done most of my life, keeping active with running and yoga, and enjoying the arts whether it be music, plays or literature.
In summary, I believe I am a well rounded individual, one with great drive and determination coupled with an enthusiasm for learning and a positive attitude.
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲