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Medicine personal statement
Failing to secure a place in medical school at 18 prompted an agonising period of self-doubt and confusion. I was forced to step back, rlect, and inevitably question the logic behind my childhood fascination. Why medicine?
I now know that my less privileged socioeconomic origins triggered within me the gestation of many deep-rooted traits. Various poignant hardships-ranging from the impacts of alcoholism to time spent in foster care-amplified my devotion to succeed, and augmented my depth of compassion towards people of all backgrounds. Having an acute perception of other people&aposs suffering led me to realise my innate altruistic tendencies: I cared more for other people&aposs welfare than my own. Striving for a career that embraced these virtues subliminally enticed me towards medicine. Entwined with this progressive ambition came the birth of a profound scientific curiosity. I delved into anatomy and physiology books. Indeed, I recall imaginative games such as &aposoperating&apos on 3D bodies I had created, simulating blood with my mother&aposs lipstick and adding flesh using her best red curtains! The combination of these personal and intellectual talents set my focus on medicine.
To solidify my decision to study medicine I have gained 6 months volunteer experience in the NHS. This provides me with a valuable outlook of hospital life, which can be unglamorous and stressful, yet infinitely gratifying. Close scrutiny of clinical practise illuminates my main attractions towards this career. The investigative diagnostics process is very appealing, as it fuels my hunger to learn the scientific basis of medicine. A multidisciplinary career like medicine also commands significant engagement with various clinical specialists and managers. Moreover, communication is vital to a doctor&aposs career; adaptation of body language and vocal dynamics are key to earning a patient&aposs trust and explaining complex information. It is also intriguing that patients routinely trust doctors with their lives. I would be immensely proud to share this bond. A negative aspect has been observing the occasional lack of respect afforded to some elderly patients. To improve this, I worked with ward managers such that volunteers now habitually encourage numerous therapeutic activities to assist the recovery period. Also, I shadowed a radiologist for 3 months, further enriching my ambitions. It was eye-opening to see how the consultant juggled dozens of tasks. I shall heed his advice, and hone my diplomatic skills to excel in the NHS. For 3 years I have worked part-time as a bingo caller to crowds exceeding 500. Customer interaction, calm authority and the ability to thrive amid diverse people are vital tools that I shall bring to medical school.
My degree equips me with a competitive skill set that bears strong correlation to a plethora of medical applications. I boast cutting-edge experience in a field soon to be the epicentre of medical innovation-tissue engineering. I attained 1st place as leader of an engineering design group, using problem solving skills to explore tasks and devise unique solutions. My 3rd year lab-based project exemplified the need for time management via ficient prioritisation, and my current 4th year venture requires critical evaluation of existing literature and proficient group organisation. Personally, I unwind through a love of reading and playing piano. Further, I am presently training for the London Marathon, which demands sustained concentration and exceptional resilience. These qualities provide a firm basis to build upon at graduate medical school.
I have the gift of incredible empathy. This translates into a lifelong drive to relieve suffering and restore people to normality. I cannot envisage any greater satisfaction.
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲