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Medicine personal Statement
&aposSorry nurse, but what&aposs a leg bag?&apos I realise that this is one of the most important pieces of writing that I will have to produce and I find it exhilarating that it will hopully aid me in my desire to become a doctor. For as long as I can remember, I have been fascinated by human physiology. From aches to x-rays I always found myself asking &aposWhy does that go wrong?&apos and &aposHow can it be fixed?&apos This desire to help heal the human body and a concern for others well-being, are the main reasons for my ambition to study medicine.
I have had some important and relevant work experience. For the past year, I have been accepted to help at my community hospital casualty fortnightly where I have had experience of procedures including: plaster casting, telemedicine, catheterisation and suturing. Working with the nurses has taught me the importance of teamwork and being sensitive towards patients. In addition, I worked in the GP ward for a number of months where I fed and talked to elderly patients, becoming adept at leg bag changing. From this, I have learnt that elderly people must be treated with respect and consideration. I am undertaking a Red Cross first aid course as I feel basic emergency techniques may not only help me as a doctor, but might prove valuable in everyday life. I have also been fortunate enough to shadow a consultant surgeon at ________ Royal Infirmary for 3 days. This was an excellent experience - I was allowed to attend theatre and witness operations. I now understand the importance of gaining the trust of patients and to treat them as individuals, being honest with them at all times. The importance of this was reinforced by my week spent with a local GP, which also emphasised the holistic approach required in this profession.
My extra-curricular achievements include The Duke of Edinburgh Award - I have attained the Bronze award and enjoyed it so much that I am now tackling the Gold head on, aiming to complete it in June 2008. Among other things, the Scheme has shown me the importance of dealing with confrontation, which, in turn, has vastly improved my team-working skills. I was honoured to be Dux of _____ Academy for S5, which emphasised to me that hard work could be rewarded. My other school activities include the &aposBuddy System&apos, which involves volunteering as a scribe for younger pupils and a &aposGuardian&apos for new first years. This has improved my communication and interpretation skills, which are essential for a doctor. It has also taught me the importance of being responsible and accountable to others. I was voted to present a production named &aposTeachers&apos Come Dancing&apos. In this I stood in front of more than 700 pupils in tuxedo attire, welcoming various groups of dancers on stage. This boosted my confidence in speaking to large crowds and presenting the show has imprinted the importance of preparation and communicating information. Finally, I have opted to run for house co-ordinator for our sixth year committee. This is a highly responsible job as it involves organising and speaking at assemblies and house events. I feel this would test my organisation and leadership skills even further.
My other interests include cycling, football and badminton, in all of which I have tried to achieve something valuable, over and above the benits of personal fitness and team membership. I raised money for charity by cycling the &aposEtape Caledonia&apos - a gruelling 81 mile cycle. After finishing 3rd in my age group, this experience taught me persistence in the face of adversity. I have captained the school badminton team for the past 2 years, which has improved my leadership skills. In football, I regularly play in a Friday league. Although we lose ficiently every week, this regular test of my optimism and dedication is character building!
Studying medicine will be a challenge I will relish. I am well motivated and determined to succeed with my recent clinical experiences only further fuelling my desire to become a doctor.
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲