


2017/07/30 00:21:50 编辑: 英国 浏览次数:208 移动端


  Medicine personal statement

  Medicine is an honourable and challenging vocation many aspire to. I have always envisaged working closely with people in an intellectually stimulating environment and in my opinion, a career in medicine is one of the best ways to achieve this, blending the analytical thinking of a scientist with the compassion of a carer.

  I love a challenge and brily remember cavorting over Crib Goch at the age of four. This natural enthusiasm has carried over to my academic life. The feeling of accomplishment after the solving of a particularly complex problem is a rewarding experience for me and for this reason I have always liked maths and science at school. I believe my determination to get to the bottom of problems would be an advantage in medical situations, in the diagnosing and treatment of patients.

  Living in a rural environment, I have always had the utmost respect for nature and I have taken part in a number of ecology trips, gaining the John Muir Discovery Award. My love of nature and life in all its forms developed into a fascination with the workings of organisms, in particular the workings of the human body. A week of work experience in Wexham Park Hospital allowed me to explore this interest further by shadowing two doctors in a general ward. Here, I gained an insight into the day to day routine of a hospital doctor and the special relationship between doctor and patient. My time there clinched my decision to pursue a career in medicine as the combination of empathy and ability being put to such a good use really inspired me. I volunteered at a local care home where my tasks included helping with daily individual needs, entertaining and socialising with the residents. I became aware of, and sympathised with, the frustrations of many of the elderly, particularly those suffering with dementia.

  Following my scientific inclinations, I acquired work experience in a chemical lab and a hospital pharmacy. I was involved in testing solutions and calculating additions, renewing safety data sheets and observing the preparation of IV fluids, including chemotherapy drips. I accepted responsibility for a number of daily procedures and this emphasized the importance to me of both cleanliness and accuracy. I attended a clinical skills workshop where I took part in many practical activities, including mock demonstrations of keyhole surgery, suturing, CPR and inserting needles, medical procedures which I found highly interesting and motivating.

  My time spent in a local GP surgery allowed me to talk to the doctors about their jobs in depth and their experiences with patients and at medical school. Although confidentiality issues prohibited me from being in on the consultations, I had contact with the patients at the reception desk. This helped me to put faces to file names and illustrated the affinity many patients have with their doctors, a relationship of trust and respect I greatly admire.

  I have a number of responsibilities at school being a Senior Prect, a Briender, guiding two 1st year pupils and helping out in S1 Science classes. These duties require good organisational skills and a firm yet fair approach. I enjoy working with the younger students and this has led me to think about paediatrics as a speciality. Although I enjoy drama, swimming and judo, music is the most prominent of my extra-curricular activities. I have played my flute and clarsach at various venues; weddings, overseas concerts, festivals and in the local hospital and care homes. I often play solo but I&aposm also part of many musical groups, I delight in joining with like-minded people to perform. This has boosted my own social confidence but has also made me aware of how important it is to work as a team.

  I genuinely appreciate the difficulties of a medical career but I know I am up to the challenge, being an enthusiastic, determined and highly motivated individual. I believe emphatically that the rewards of such a career far outstrip the adversities.

  • 澳际QQ群:610247479
  • 澳际QQ群:445186879
  • 澳际QQ群:414525537