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Medicine Personal Statement
I have always had a special interest in scientific and medical matters. My father died from lung cancer when he was just 29 years old. This did not make a lot of sense to me at the time and it wasn&apost until I was older that I was able to understand this properly. It did, however, pique my interest in medicine and healthcare in general. For a while I considered a career in Biological Research or Pharmacy, but felt that these careers had less communication with the public than I wanted. Then, two years ago, my Grandfather had a colostomy following bowel cancer. I watched his treatment and really felt inspired to become a doctor, perhaps even specialising in Oncology.
In order to learn more about the hospital environment, whilst helping others in the community, I have been a hospital volunteer (a Robin) for a year now. My role entails helping the nurses with minor jobs such as serving meals and drinks, running errands etc. I spend a lot of time with the patients, listening, talking and reading to them; This has been the most rewarding part but the whole experience has improved my ability to communicate and empathise with others.
My sixth form work placement was spent in hospital on different wards and with a local surgery. From it, I gained insight into the many specialties of medical practise. Some more memorable moments included surgery: a laparoscopic cholecystectomy, and being able to practise using an endoscope on a dummy, which is more difficult than it looks! In the Oncology Outpatients Department, I sat in on consultations with patients in various stages of treatment. Bore leaving, I got a chance to speak to the Doctors. They gave valuable advice and encouragement to pursue my own career in medicine.
For several years I have taken part in the Prestatyn Youth Arts Festival. I have achieved first place in various competitions and after winning the recitation, I was asked to perform in the Mayors Show at the Rhyl Pavilion Theatre. I was also elected as Youth Chair of the Festival, with the task of helping to advertise, organise and give speeches at the opening and close of Performances. These activities have not only boosted my confidence and ability to communicate with people, but they have also helped to develop leadership qualities.
During term time, I work in a &aposBuddies&apos scheme for Year 6 and 7 children, listening to and correcting them, while they read. I also help children with learning difficulties. This can be quite demanding at times, but extremely rewarding.
In my spare time, I love playing, and listening to music. Having studied both the Piano and Clarinet, I have achieved Grade 5 and Grade 3 respectively, as well as Grade 5 theory. I have been a member of the School Orchestra and played at many different functions, such as the School Concert and at the Christmas Lights Festival. I work part time in Sainsbury&aposs. It&aposs great working as part of a team and the job is varied and interesting. I am a voracious reader and enjoy all kinds of books. Recently I read &aposStiff&apos by Mary Roach and &aposBlood and Guts&apos after watching the television series on BBC 4. I have two young Flat Coated Retrievers and they have boundless energy, so I spend a lot of time walking and training them. We&aposre still improving!!
I see a career in medicine as a great challenge. It&aposs a field that&aposs ever changing and advancing with new and improved treatments and cures; I&aposm dedicated to applying myself as an undergraduate and will pursue my goal to become a doctor.
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲