


2017/07/30 00:10:16 编辑: 英国 浏览次数:158 移动端


  English and History Personal Statement

  Two of my main influences during the past few years have been from both English and History, and this is why I wish to study them as a Joint Honours degree.

  Throughout Secondary School my interest and curiosity about English has stretched beyond the A level syllabus. Reading a wide range of books from classics like Great Expectations to contemporary novels such as Monica Ali’s Brick Lane has allowed English to become more than just a sixth form subject, and transformed it into something which I find both intense and exhilarating. The role English plays in communication is something I also find deeply fascinating as both a reader and a writer, as its impact on society is colossal. In a world where both the media and politics use language tools to their advantage there appears to be no limit to English’s influence, and no limit to what remains to be discovered. Outside of my academic studies, I have had time to enjoy English in the form of plays and theatre texts through taking part amateur dramatic productions. This has helped develop my understanding, as it has allowed me an alternative perspective of literary pieces. Although I have enjoyed both my English Literature and English Language A Level courses, I would not feel satisfied to end my study of English here, as I have only just begun to uncover some of the many things further study would reveal.

  History is also something I find engrossing, as its foundations have influenced our society’s outlook. Although History is learning about the past, I find it relevant to where we are today as previous events determine our future. Although cliché, the phrase ‘history repeats itself’ is often quite accurate as old events can give a greater insight into current debate and rorms in society, something which I find extremely absorbing. Trips to places abroad have also fuelled my want for more historical knowledge. After visiting the First World War Battlields I realised there were areas I had already studied which I would like to go into in greater depth. Studying English and History as a degree would give me the opportunity to do more developed independent studies in specific areas.

  Whilst Historians use English to portray a positive or negative view of a series of events and analyse sources, those interested in English Language and Literature seek a greater depth of insight and understanding of context through Historical events. This is why studying both English and History as a Joint Honours degree would certainly be benicial to my understanding of both subjects. Both English and History have allowed me to develop my ability to form an argument and have strengthened my analytical thinking, skills which are both vital in Secondary Education, a career I wish to pursue.

  Outside of school I have been able to develop my personal skills through working as a volunteer within the local community. For the past 5 years I have been a Young Leader with children aged 5-7 as part of Girlguiding UK. In 2006 I also completed 200 Millennium Volunteer hours working with young people from less advantaged backgrounds as part of Forest Day Camps, a scheme set up by the YMCA. Within school I have been part of the Senior Students team, which included helping younger students in the school library. I have also been an active member of the Redbridge Youth Theatre Workshop, and enjoy horse riding; both of which have helped me develop confidence and independence through extracurricular activities.

  I relish the challenge Higher Education represents. As the first member of my family to have this opportunity, I feel university is something which just cannot be missed.

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