


2017/07/30 00:04:15 编辑: 英国 浏览次数:278 移动端


  Biology Personal Statement

  I have chosen to apply for university courses related to biology, particularly human aspects of biology. I believe these to be stimulating, challenging courses that will allow me to expand and develop my studies from areas which I find particularly interesting at A-level. I appreciate the importance and involvement of biology in countless aspects of daily life as well as its contribution to the healthy state of people and the environment

  Recent summer holiday work experience in the Microbiology laboratories at a local hospital has increased my int4erest in the biological sciences. I feel that such courses would allow me to further develop my personal skills including teamwork, communication and individual research

  My A-level studies have contributed to the development of a range of skills which would help me in a degree course. I have the benit of studying Chemistry for one year providing the fundamentals of that subject including practical skills essential for experiments. Such practical skills also form an important element in my biology course

  Environmental Science allows me to establish hypotheses and test them through fieldwork and individual/group research. I have extended my IT skills at A-level along with library research skills. These are important tools which I would also require to follow a University degree course. My Business and Health and Social Care courses provide me with a background of business knowledge and importance of equality within the workplace and in every day life

  I envisage the study of the biological sciences could lead to possible future career opportunities in industry, the health service or research

  As well as keeping up to date with my studies I have managed my time so that I can work at a part time job. Having previously worked as a waitress in a local pub, an assistant in Sainsbury&aposs store and in the kitchen of Orrell RUFC, I now work in a branch of Dolcis shoes. I feel that such work has enabled me to develop my communication skills through my dealings with customers and colleagues. Workplace responsibilities have also improved my self-confidence and my ability to co-operate in team activities

  Whilst at school I achieved positions of responsibility including Senior Prect and House Captain. I carried out these roles with a sense of commitment and dedication. I believe that I would display a genuine enthusiasm and determination to succeed as a student engaged in a university course of study. The success and enjoyment experienced by my two elder brothers presently engaged in Dental Surgery courses at a university on Tyneside has contributed to my own motivation to study a fulfilling course in higher education

  Several years ago, I was awarded one of six sponsorships by Ocean Youth Club. It enabled me to work as a member of a crew on board an ocean yacht, in difficult and sometimes hostile conditions. I certainly realised the importance of teamwork discipline and organisation during this challenging voyage

  My social interests include socialising and meeting new friends, visiting the cinema and modern theatre as well as enjoying the outdoor activity of country walking. This allows me to relax and appreciate the environment as well as being strenuous, physical exercise

  I believe that my personal attributes include being a personable, reliable individual with a high degree of honesty and integrity6. I feel that my energy and motivation would help me to enjoy and challenge of university education.



  Biology Personal Statement

  I have chosen to apply for university courses related to biology, particularly human aspects of biology. I believe these to be stimulating, challenging courses that will allow me to expand and develop my studies from areas which I find particularly interesting at A-level. I appreciate the importance and involvement of biology in countless aspects of daily life as well as its contribution to the healthy state of people and the environment

  Recent summer holiday work experience in the Microbiology laboratories at a local hospital has increased my int4erest in the biological sciences. I feel that such courses would allow me to further develop my personal skills including teamwork, communication and individual research

  My A-level studies have contributed to the development of a range of skills which would help me in a degree course. I have the benit of studying Chemistry for one year providing the fundamentals of that subject including practical skills essential for experiments. Such practical skills also form an important element in my biology course

  Environmental Science allows me to establish hypotheses and test them through fieldwork and individual/group research. I have extended my IT skills at A-level along with library research skills. These are important tools which I would also require to follow a University degree course. My Business and Health and Social Care courses provide me with a background of business knowledge and importance of equality within the workplace and in every day life

  I envisage the study of the biological sciences could lead to possible future career opportunities in industry, the health service or research

  As well as keeping up to date with my studies I have managed my time so that I can work at a part time job. Having previously worked as a waitress in a local pub, an assistant in Sainsbury&aposs store and in the kitchen of Orrell RUFC, I now work in a branch of Dolcis shoes. I feel that such work has enabled me to develop my communication skills through my dealings with customers and colleagues. Workplace responsibilities have also improved my self-confidence and my ability to co-operate in team activities



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