

分享本人套磁信及常见回复 附Q&A

2017/03/23 09:08:24 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:61 移动端

LZ是申请15 Fall Bioinformatics/Evolutionary Genomics/Human Genomics方向的PhD申请者,目前拿到了5个offer。个人感觉每个offer都有套磁的功劳。拿到的Offer (括号里是US News专排[Biology或Genomics/Bioinformatics]):UW-Seattle (3), Duke U (11), Cornell (11), WUSTL (11), UW-Madison (18)欢迎大家在下面提问,有代表性的问题我会补充在主贴中的。Q1: 哪些申请者应该套磁?A1: 个人建议只有research interest非常确定的同学才需要套磁。所谓“research interest非常确定”指的是你和对方导师至少在“三级学科”上拥有相同或相似的research interest。例如:biology是“一级学科”;genetics是“二级学科”;evolutionary genetics是“三级学科”。再向下细分,human evolutionary genetics是“四级学科”。其他同学当然也可以套,但效果应该不会太大。个人经验:本人套的大多数导师都是四级学科research interest match的,这种的回复率接近100% (21/23=91%),且没有收到过负面回复(如没有funding/opening等)。三级学科interest match的回复率则更低一些,且大多数是中性偏正面回复,真正的正面回复较少。所以,经常在版上看到有同学问为什么套磁教授不回复,很可能是research interest上的问题。下面Q2会解释什么是“正面回复”。Q2: 什么回复算“正面回复”?A2: 广义上说,只要不是负面回复,如没有funding或opening等,都算正面回复。以下给大家看几个正面回复的例子+点评。正面指数*****“I appreciate your interest in my lab and your strong research background ... I would consider taking a PhD student next year, and I think you would be a very good candidate ... ensure that I could fund the duration of your PhD program.”点评:令人吃惊!第一封回信里就直接谈到如何保证funding的问题 (注意不是general的说,而是fund the duration ofyour PhD program),这是极其正面的回复。事实证明这家也是最先给我offer的学校。正面指数****"Thank you for your interest in a PhD position in my lab.  You sound like an excellent candidate! ... Perhaps we should set up a time to talk by phone? ""Thanks for your interest in my lab and your detailed description of your work. Your experience in genetics so far is very impressive. I suggest that we have a conversation over Skype ..."点评:这两位都是第一封回信就直接约电话/skype面试的。这种也是相当正面的回复,说明对方教授对你非常感兴趣,愿意抽出30min甚至1hr的时间和你深入交流。这两位教授所在学校中的一所给了我offer,另一所还在等待。正面指数***"Yes, I am recruiting Ph.D. students. Your current and future research interests align well with the current research in my lab, and I think your application would be very strong. If you would like to apply to my lab, then I am accepting students through the Department of ....""I would like to strongly encourage you to apply to the graduate program ... Your background sounds to be highly appropriate for graduate study here!"点评:这类回复主要传达两个意思:(1)我现在招人,通过**和**等department/program; (2)你的申请very strong。没有继续或深入交流的意思。这种学校应该果断申请,希望还是很大。这两位教授所在学校中的一所给了我offer,另一所还在等待。正面指数**"Thanks for your interest. Yes, I'm currently taking students. So, I encourage you to apply to *** for your phd ..."点评:这类回复类似模板回复。只是传达一个意思:我现在招人,你可以申请。但令人吃惊的是这所学校最终也给了我interview和offer。正面指数*"I work closely with Dr. *** and am writing to you on her behalf. She regrets that she is unable to respond to your email herself ... Professor *** is quite limited to taking on PhD students who are enrolled in the programs with which she is affiliated, or other graduate programs ... She does however have intentions of taking on new students from these programs each year ..."点评:压根不是教授本人发的,发出邮件后4个月收到的回复...Q3: 如果回复的正面指数只有*或**,是否别抱希望了?A3: 别抱太大希望,但也别因此不申请该学校,因为这类回复已经非常正面了(至少表示我今年招人,你可以申请)。我拿到的五个offer里有一个属于**类回复。但这种回复的教授可能不会特别support你的申请,而一般是在申请者中选择背景最好的。总之,别抱太大希望,也别不抱希望。Q4: 教授不回套磁信,是否需要再发?A4: 依照我和美国教授打交道的经验,基本上每一封收到的邮件都会被对方看到,至于回不回就要看对方是否愿意了。因此,如果教授不回信,一般都是默拒了。在小概率下,对方教授可能没有看到你的来信,你可以尝试过一周左右再发一次。如果对方还是不回,则基本可以确定是默拒了。这时建议各位调整心态: I am confident that I am the best. You ignored my email, it is your loss, not mine. P.S. 个人建议:同一个学校/department同时只能套一个教授,否则被发现了就不太好了。Q5: 如果收到了****或*****的正面回复,是否就十拿九稳了?A5: 不是。申请季随机因素很多,我曾套到一位极其support我的教授,甚至已经帮我到admissions committee里问过了情况,但由于审查申请材料的时候ta一直在出差,所以这program就把我给拒了.. 所以各位还是要保持良好的心态(虽然亲身经历表示这极其困难)。最后附上本人套磁信,细节上有删改(点击图片看大图):提醒:美国非常注重academic integrity,所以仅供参考,切忌直接照搬照抄,否则后果会很严重!!Screen Shot 2015-02-22 at 12.34.12 AM.png 



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