您所在的位置: 首页> 新闻列表> 部分英国大学的申请截止日期.
学校 | 专业 | 截止日期 |
IC | MSc Finance | 3.5 |
Durham | MSc Management | 1.27 |
Durham | MSc Management (Human Resource Management) | 1.27 |
Durham | MSc Management (Finance) | 1.27 |
Durham | Finance | 2.1 |
Durham | Finance (Accounting and Finance) | 2.1 |
Durham | Finance (Corporate and International Finance) | 2.1 |
Durham | Finance (Economics and Finance) | 2.1 |
Durham | Finance (Finance and Investment) | 2.1 |
Durham | Finance (International Banking and Finance) | 2.1 |
Durham | Finance (International Money, Finance and Investment). | 2.1 |
Exeter | MSc Accounting and Finance | 2.24 |
York | The York Management School | 4.6 |
York | MSc in Economics and Finance | 3.25 |
York | MSc in Finance | 3.25 |
York | MSc in Project Analysis, Finance and Investment | 3.25 |
York | 其他 Economics类课程 | 4.13 |
Bath | MA Interpreting & Translating | 1.31 |
Edinburgh | 商学院课程针对中国学生已经截止 | 2011.12.13 |
Shfield | MAinArchitecturalDesign | 3月截止 |
Southampton | school of management | 3.7 |
Glasgow | International Accounting & Financial Management MAcc | 3.2 |
Glasgow | 多数课程 | 7.23 |
Newcastle | Translating MA | 2.15 |
Newcastle | Interpreting MA | 3.22 |
Newcastle | Translation Studies MA | |
Newcastle | Translating and Interpreting MA | |
UEA | MA Film, Television and Creative Practice | |
UEA | MA Media, Culture and Society | 3.22 |
UEA | BSc Psychology | 3.14 |
UEA | BA Drama | 3.9 |
Surrey | MSc in Human Resource Management | 1.30 |
Surrey | MSc in International Events Management | 1.30 |
Surrey | MA Business Interpreting in Chinese and English | 4.30 |
Leeds | MA/PGDAppliedTranslationStudies | 1.31只针对汉语方向 |
Leeds | MAAudiovisualTranslationStudies | |
Leeds | MAConferenceInterpretingandTranslationStudies | |
Leeds | PGDConferenceInterpreting |
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