


2017/07/29 04:32:53 编辑: 加拿大 浏览次数:439 移动端





  (1) A permanent resident must comply with a residency obligation with respect to every five-year period.

  (2) The following provisions govern the residency obligation under subsection (1):

  (a) a permanent resident complies with the residency obligation with respect to a five-year period if, on each of a total of at least 730 days in that five-year period, they are

  (i) physically present in Canada,

  (ii) outside Canada accompanying a Canadian citizen who is their spouse or common-law partner or, in the case of a child, their parent,

  (iii) outside Canada employed on a full-time basis by a Canadian business or in the federal public administration or the public service of a province,

  (iv) outside Canada accompanying a permanent resident who is their spouse or common-law partner or, in the case of a child, their parent and who is employed on a full-time basis by a Canadian business or in the federal public administration or the public service of a province, or

  (v) rerred to in regulations providing for other means of compliance;


  i. 本人在加居住


  ii. 在海外陪伴加拿大公民生活

  关于这条曾经有一个案子:一个秘鲁人在加拿大呆了几天就回去了,又过了几个月他加拿大公民老婆去秘鲁和他一起生活,但该人仍被移民官认为不满足居住要求,因为这个变态的移民官狭隘地解释法条上的“陪伴”,说这个人的老婆比他后离开加拿大,所以不是他陪伴他老婆而是他老婆陪伴他 后来案子上诉到Immigration Appeal Division,决定被推翻了,IAD说陪伴应当被广义地解释,没有谁先谁后。


  iii. 被加拿大公司(Canadian Business),联邦管理或省公共服务雇用(全时)

  这里的问题有两个:一是什么叫Canadian Business,二是什么叫雇用。


  1. Canadian Business

  Only some businesses qualify as Canadian businesses for the purpose of satisfying your residency obligations. To qualify as a Canadian business, the business must meet one of these three dinitions:

  The business is incorporated under Canadian or provincial laws and has an ongoing operation in Canada.

  The business is an enterprise, other than a corporation described above, that has an ongoing operation in Canada and satisfies the following conditions:

  It is capable of generating revenue and is carried on in anticipation of profit; and

  Canadian citizens, permanent residents or Canadian businesses as dined above hold a majority of voting or ownership interests.

  The business is an organization or enterprise created by the laws of Canada or by the laws of a province of Canada.

  这里给出了三种定义,满足其一即可。通常出问题的都在“ongoing operation”这条上。比如有一个2005年的案子是说一个伊朗人1999年投资移民到多伦多,自己开了一个公司,租了办公场所,雇了一名员工,做出口汽车配件的生意。然后他把老婆孩子留在加拿大自己回伊朗接着做生意。中间他经常回加拿大看望家人,还于2000年又在加拿大生了一个儿子。但此后他仍不在加常住,又过了一段时间,他的家人也回伊朗了,但他们在加拿大买了房子。当他们2003年申请返加证时,被移民官以未满居住时间为由拒绝,于是上诉到IAD。这个上诉最后被拒了,原因是他在加拿大的公司只经营了不到两年,后来雇的员工去世了(估计雇了个七八十岁的),办公室也sublease出去了,没有ongoing operation. (这个案子的另一个亮点是他们在加拿大出生的二儿子,因为这可能会成为要求special reli的理由,也就是说即使没有满足法律规定的要求但因为某种特殊情况,移民局有时出于人道主义和同情心的考虑,对当事人给予特殊照顾,即special reli。在这个决定中,IAD花了大量笔墨来论述这个问题,最后结论是他们全家在伊朗过得挺好的,不必再到加拿大了,也不必特殊照顾了 。后面,会专门讨论这个special reli。)

  Excluded businesses

  An enterprise, corporation or organization is not a Canadian business if it exists primarily to allow permanent residents to comply with their residency obligations during a stay outside Canada.



  第二个要求是 Qualifying Employment outside Canada,具体要求如下:

  The phrase “employed on a full-time basis by a Canadian business or in the public service of Canada” means:

  you are an employee of, or under contract to provide services to, either a Canadian business, the public service of Canada or the public service of a Canadian province; and

  you are assigned as a term of your employment or contract on a full-time basis to either:

  a position outside Canada;

  an affiliated enterprise outside Canada; or

  a client of the Canadian business or the public service outside Canada.

  这是关于雇佣关系的要求,也有一个台湾人的案例,2005年的。这个人登陆后,买了房,把老婆和两个孩子留在加拿大,自己做空中飞人。他自称从2001年开始为一个叫Nu-Skin的公司工作,这是个美国公司,在加拿大有office,也有人在加拿大support他的。所以他跟Nu-Skin的加拿大公司有雇佣关系。但从他的报税记录来看,2001年他报的收入是6000多,2002年稍多了一点,刚过一万。上诉的时候,移民局说首先他和加拿大Nu-Skin的关系就不清楚,其次他的收入报得太低,不可能是fulltime工作的,连最低工资标准都没达到。虽然他在加有房产,有家人,而且他说他回台湾也是因为要照顾生病的父母,但最后还是没有给他special reli, 被拒了。

  iv 陪伴加拿大公司工作的永久居民(配偶或父母)在海外生活


  v 法律规定的其他情况









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