


2017/07/28 20:41:07 编辑: 芬兰 浏览次数:620 移动端


  官方的申请网址: www.aoji.cn


  1:Choose your semester and check the deadlines. Decide when you&apos&aposd liketo start your studies and Check the relevant deadlines for filing your application.


  2:Identify and collect all required application materials. The basicgraduate application will include the following items (ensure that your fullname and date of birth or Memorial student number appear on all documents)

  第二步:准备申请材料。 请确保您的姓名和出生日期(如果有MUN的学生号,请在文件上注明)申请的书面材料包括以下:

  a)Graduate Web Application, 申请表.请在截止日期前完成网络申请表格,详见第三步

  b)Official transcript(s)(must be submitted by mail)官方成绩单(必须邮寄提交)

  c)Two (2)letters of appraisal 2封推荐信

  d)Non-rundable application fee, 申请费(不可退还)

  e)Proof of English proficiency(must be submitted by mail)英语水平证明(必须邮寄提交)

  f)Additional forms and documents may be required. (其他您认为可以对申请有帮助的材料)

  3:Submit your application第三步:递交申请。 You may submit an application online (credit card required). Current students or students who previously attended Memorial University are strongly encouraged to apply through Memorial Self Service


  Please note that the credit card payment feature on the web application is only available from 5 a.m. to 12 a.m. (Newfoundland time), Sunday through Friday. It is unavailable on Saturday.


  Submit all supporting documents to: 所有文件请寄往以下地址

  School of Graduate Studies

  IIC-2012, Inco Innovation Centre

  Memorial University of Newfoundland

  230 Elizabeth Avenue

  St. John&apos&aposs, Newfoundland, Canada

  A1C 5S7

  Or gradapply@mun.ca (transcript, confirmation of degreecompletion, and test scores must be sent by mail)或者通过电子邮件发至gradapply@mun.ca,官方成绩单,毕业证学位证,雅思等英语测试官方成绩单必须邮寄。


  • 澳际QQ群:610247479
  • 澳际QQ群:445186879
  • 澳际QQ群:414525537