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  Marketing experts like to classify people into different generation groups, believing that people of the same age share similar value and attitudes. I agree with those experts'' theory in that it emphasizes the connection between the circumstances of one's upbringing and one's later outlook on life. My personality, talents, values, even career choice have been profoundly influenced by my family life and upbringing in Taiwan.

  My name is Peter Huang and I’ve grown up in Ten-Mou, a multicultural neighborhood in suburban Taipei. During the early years of my childhood, my parents exerted a profound influence over my development. Though neither of them was involved in business, by watching their integrity and hard work, I learned more about the true meaning of success than I would ever have in any classroom.

  My father is an Air Force colonel. He joined the R.O.C Air Force at the age of 14, struggling to achieve his personal best as the supply division chi of the R.O.C. Air Force Academy. Unlike some officers in the military, who depended on family relationship and privilege to get promoted, my father gained his position by hard work and assiduity. He thus emphasized the importance of industriousness when it came to my education. When I was 10, I attended a speech contest. During the week bore the contest, my father and I spent two hours a day together, organizing the lecture content, adjust my rhythm, and rehearsing. I was a shy, soft-spoken child, and found speaking in public difficult at first. But through my father's patient forts and his believe in the rewards of hard work, I gradually became an excellent public speaker and won many of the contests that followed. As a result of the experiences such as this, I learned a very strong work ethic and emulated some of my father's best characteristics - perseverance and dedication.

  These qualities served me well as I entered mandatory military service in Taiwan and faced many difficult situations. I once led a squad to enact the typhoon disaster reli action in Nan-tou. We had one week in which to salvage a factory that was half-buried in mud. As the squad commander, I not only supervised, but also participated in the demanding and seemly endless digging work. And each night, after an exhausting work when all other soldiers were asleep, I spent extra hours checking if there were sufficient supplies and making plans for the next day's reli action. When I finally laid down to sleep, I could not help but rlect on how much I had developed, as both a person and a leader, since that first speech contest.

  My mother has a warm and kind personality, and has always reached out to the expatriates in our neighborhood. She organized a language exchange club with the American students in local colleges, hoping to increase understanding of Taiwanese and American cultures through the exchange of language. I took part in the club when I was still in elementary school. This childhood multi-cultural experience instilled in me an active personality and willingness to interact with people of different cultures. In particularly, it strengthened my interest in American and my desire to work and live there one day.

  My mother’s emphasis on international exchange and cooperation has led me to work for the Fulbright Foundation in Taipei as a research assistant. This position allows me to interact with educational associations in the United States and to take part in international conferences. I once participated in a venture capital seminar in Hsin-Chu, working on the issue of graduate level technology management education with representatives of major high-tech companies and academic institutions. Last November, I represented the Foundation in an international Tele-conference in Taipei. The conference was conducted both in English and in Chinese and was hosted by the Prime of Ministry of Education. My work has also given me the opportunity to know and become friends with exceptional Fulbright scholars from the United States.

  While my childhood years shaped my character, it was my high school and college years which led to my interest in business. 1988 was both a determining year to my career choices and a turning point in Taiwan's economy. As people familiar with Taiwan's modern economic history know, the exchange rate of the New Taiwan Dollar to U.S. Dollars moved from 40:1 to 25:1 in that year under the overwhelming pressure of American government. Thus meant that the traditional advantage of Taiwan's economy, low labor costs, was no longer our strength. People everywhere were talking about the future of Taiwan's economy. Out of a young man's passion, I wanted to contribute my talent and fort to my country. That was the time at which I made up my mind that someday, I will make Taiwan-made products famous world-widely, like those produced by IBM, Intel, or Microsoft.

  This teenage naive patriotic dream transformed into an interest in business administration and economics after I graduated from Taipei First Senior High School. I focused my college study on manufacturing administration and economics. From four years of lectures, seminars, and in-factory study in the department of Industrial Engineering at National Formosa University, I acquired skills in quality insurance, manufacturing planning and control, and factory improvement and diagnostic methods. In my economic class, I learned how prices, prerences, and incomes affect people's demand of goods from the microeconomic. I also acquired knowledge of how various factors - government policies, currency exchange rate, and balance of international trade - affect a country's economics growth. My interest in business, however, is not limited to industrial engineering and economics. In my junior year, I also took 6 credits of accounting courses and learned the knowledge of basic accounting principles, financial statements, and managerial accounting. To acquire a more thorough understand of management information systems, I chose "Alumni Association Database Management System for Department of Industrial Engineering" as my graduate activity project. From each step of developing the database system, I learned solid skills in FoxPro programming and enterprise demand analysis.

  I am thankful that my parents provided me with an environment that encouraged me to develop my personality and an intellect for which I am remembered. With a deeply-instilled work ethic, strong interpersonal skills, and a high level of motivation, I believe I will enrich the professional and social environment at your esteemed Buchman School and continue to grow as a expert in high-tech industry.


  Due to the comprehensiveness of China’s “rorm and open” policies, economics plays an increasingly important role in the development of its global position. As a senior at Beijing University majoring in Economics, I feel that my field is fundamental to the progress of my country. Yet, at the same time, I realize only too well that what I have learned as an undergraduate is far from enough. Therore, it is my desire to pursue a graduate degree I Economics at your university. If accepted, my intended concentration would be Economic Development and Public Economics.

  In the process of preparing myself for advanced research, I obtained a solid academic background in mathematics, computer science and basic economic theory. In order to enhance my capabilities and further establish my background, I plan to take Probability and Econometrics as my electives during my last semester at Beijing University. During my undergraduate career I was fortunate to be able to audit several advanced graduate level courses taught by overseas professors such as Comparative Economic Systems and Advanced Macroeconomics. These classes not only introduced me to new economic concepts and theories, but also broadened my perspective and gave me new insights into the depth of my field.

  After over three years of studying economics and extensive reading in related fields, I have developed my own understanding of the present Chinese economy with system. I feel, and it is an idea shared by many, that the Chinese government is presently struggling to adapt a policy which would peacully integrate the advantages of a marked economy with the current Socialist system. to a certain extent, I feel that the government has been successful in implementing this aim. However, many problems have yet to be resolved. Chi among these is the problem of rejuvenating and restructuring the large, state-owned enterprises. As a result under the Chinese socialist system, these companies not only lack a spirit of competition, but are also hopelessly overstaffed. There is a dinite need to cut back on workers, many of whom are unskilled and present an unnecessary burden on these companies.

  The fundamental problem here is that China lacks unemployment and social security programs, which would be able to assist and re-train these workers should they be laid off. As there are no options for them, the companies are forced to retain these laborers, creating a stagnant state which limits both production levels and net profits. While foreign-imported goods and foreign companies were scare in China, this was not a major problem. However, the influx of foreign goods and corporations has forced China into a predicament where it can no longer afford to maintain useless employees for the benit of the State. Should the situation here continue unchecked, China risks loosing its domestic marked to foreign companies.

  These ideas were the result of my field research conducted during my junior year. During that time, I studied first-hand edly China’s system of public economics and found it lacking in many ways. I feel that if China is ever to be a serious competitor in the world market it needs first to develop a more progressive system of public policies. For this, China will have to look to other systems, which have struggled and successfully handled this same problem. My goal is to continue my education in the United States where I can not only witness the dynamics of an economic system different from ours, but also study the ways in which America’s public policy could be adapted and utilized by China.

  In terms of global economics, China still has much to learn. The government is far from reconciling itself with many of the principles that underlie the modern market. I also feel that the Chinese situation is unique, and , that in order to be successful, policy makers must take into consideration regional characteristics, historical tradition and social psychology when dining the course of the future. However, it is also essential that the future generations of leaders, administrators and teachers learn from other countries in order to better understand the complexity of China’s role within the global economic situation.

  The more China’s economy is prosperous, the more it needs its own economists. Therore, at the end of my graduate study, I intend to return to my country and contribute to China’s economic progress. My ultimate goal is to teach introducing advanced Western research methods to my country and, if possible, tackle some of the economic problems faced by my country.

  I am also applying for overseas graduate study because of the fact that the United States holds the leading position in the research of my chosen field. Your institution, known for its carul and exacting work ethic and nurturing academic atmosphere, is the university I have long admired. I am confident that with your distinguished faculty and recognized facilities, my potential will develop into knowledge and experience benicial to both the United States and China.



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