


2017/07/27 07:32:21 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:308 移动端


  越来越多的学校在招生中采用interview的方式以保证招生质量。面试的主要目的一是为了更多地了解学生,看学生是否真的“fits the school”。另外就是测试学生的英语表达能力。

  面试的问题都不会很难,所以你要树立一个基本的概念:this is a conversation rather than an interview。其实面试也是双向的,除了面试学生之外,学校也很想向学生展示这个学校很好,值得你来。所以完全不需要紧张。但是如果你想让招生老师印象深刻,顺利通过申请最后一关,还是需要好好准备面试的。





  具体如何准备面试?首先准备故事。每个故事你需要按照who, what, when, where,why 写出一个要点。然后练习,注意说话的语速要放松,发音要清楚。最后准备几个问题问学校。

  下面是大学面试最常见的问题。祝同学们都能申请到自己的dream school!!

  ? How are you? You having a good day so far?

  ? Why do you want to study in the US?

  ?Describe your high school.

  ? If there were one thing you could change about your high school, what would it be?

  ? What does your high school do well?

  ? Have you grown since you entered high school? How?

  ? How do you operate as a student? Rerence in class and while studying.

  ? What are your strengths academically?

  ? Which teachers have you connected with in high school and why?

  ? What elements make a great teacher for you?

  ? Tellme about your friends.

  ? Has your friend group changed since you started high school? Why? How?

  ? Which of your friends do you most admire and why?"

  ? If you are having a bad day, what types of things do you do to cheer yourself up?

  ? Who makes up your family tree?

  ?Describe what sorts of things you do as a family?

  ? How is your family supporting you through this college search?

  ? How do you hope college will be different from high school?

  ? In creating your college list, what are key characteristics you are seeking in aninstitution?

  ? Given your expectations, why is X University on your list/of schools?


  ? What exactly do you hope to gain from your overall X university experience?

  ? What can I tell you about X university?

  ? Do you have other questions?

  1. What did you do this summer?

  2. What do you do best?

  3. What do you hope to do after graduation?

  4. Why do you want to go to college?

  5. How do you dine success?

  6. Who do you most admire?

  7. What is your biggest weakness?

  8. Tellme about your family.

  9. What makes you special?

  10.What can our college offer you that another college can't?

  11. In college, what do you plan to do outside of the classroom?

  12.What three adjectives best describe you?

  13.What do you think about the latest news headline?

  14. Who is your hero?

  15.What historical figure do you most admire?

  16.What high school experience was most important to you?

  17. Who most helped you get to where you are today?

  18. Tell me about your community service.

  19. If you had a thousand dollars to give away, what would you do with it?

  20.What subject in high school did you find the most challenging?




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