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a 1. A diamond shaped sign means
(a) warning.
(b) stop.
(c) yield right of way.
c 2. An upside-down triangle means
(a) warning.
(b) stop.
(c) yield right of way.
b 3. An octagon shaped sign means
(a) warning.
(b) stop.
(c) yield right of way.
b 4. When you come to a STOP sign, you should
(a) be prepared to stop if there is an approaching car.
(b) make a complete stop and proceed when safe.
(c) slow down and proceed when safe.
d 5. What should you do when you come to a STOP sign at an intersection?
(a) Slow down and proceed with caution.
(b) Stop only if there are any vehicles approaching the intersection.
(c) Slow down, sound horn, and proceed.
(d) Make a full stop and proceed when safe.
b 6. The hand signal for a right turn is:
(a) Point the arm and hand down.
(b) Hold the arm and hand up.
(c) Put the arm straight out.
(d) Make a circular motion the arm.
c 7. The hand signal for lt turn is:
(a) pointing the arm and hand down.
(b) holding the arm and hand up.
(c) pointing the arm and hand straight out.
(d) making circular motion with the arm.
a 8. When you are stopping or slowing down you should signal by
(a) pointing arm and hand down.
(b) putting the arm and hand straight up.
(c) putting the arm straight out.
(d) making a circular motion with arm.
a 9. When the arm is extended outward, it means
(a) lt turn
(b) slow or stop
(c) right turn
a 10. When the arm and hand is pointing downward, it means
(a) slow or stop.
(b) lt turn.
(c) right turn.
c 11. When the arm is extended upward, it means
(a) slow or stop.
(b) lt turn.
(c) right turn.
b 12. You must signal at least how many feet bore making a turn?
(a) 57 ft.
(b) 877 ft.
(c) 377 ft.
a 13. What is the meaning of a flashing yellow light?
(a) slow down and proceed with caution
(b) be prepared for the light to change red
(c) stop
c 14. What is the meaning of a flashing red light?
(a) caution
(b) stop and wait for the light to change green
(c) stop and proceed when safe
a 15. What is the meaning of a flashing red traffic signal light at an intersection?
(a) Stop completely as at a stop sign and proceed when safe.
(b) Slow down and proceed with caution.
(c) Stop and wait for a green light.
(d) Sound horn and proceed with caution.
c 16. A red signal light with a green arrow means
(a) stop and wait for green light bore making turn in the direction of the arrow.
(b) stop and then proceed.
(c) proceed with caution in the direction of the arrow, yielding the right of way to pedestrians and vehicles in the intersection.
(d) the green arrow is a signal for pedestrians only.
a 17. When can you make a right turn on a red traffic signal ?
(a) After a full stop, if there is no sign prohibiting right turn on red and way is clear.
(b) When traffic light first change.
(c) When yielding to pedestrians and traffics.
b 18. You may turn right on a red light when
(a) you stop and traffic is clear.
(b) you stop, traffic is clear, and there is no sign to prohibit your turn.
(c) you slow down and see that traffic is clear.
a 19. What does a double solid yellow line indicate?
(a) passing prohibited
(b) passing permitted when safe
a 20. What does a broken line on your side and a solid line on the other side mean?
(a) You can pass when safe.
(b) passing prohibited
(c) Cars coming the opposite direction can pass when safe.
b 21. If a traffic signal is green and a police officer signals you to stop, you should
(a) obey the traffic signal
(b) obey the traffic officer
(c) first obey the traffic officer, then the signal
(d) do what the vehicle in front of you does.
b 22. You are driving to an intersection where a traffic light is red. A policeman motions you to go through, you should
(a) obey the traffic.
(b) obey the traffic officer.
(c) first obey the traffic officer, then the signal.
(d) do what the vehicle in front of you does.
b 23. You have reached on intersection in a lane marked lt turn only, you should
(a) Proceed straight ahead.
(b) Make lt turn.
(c) Make right turn.
(d) Drive into through traffic lane.
c 24. In what position must you be when making a lt hand turn?
(a) near the middle
(b) to the right
(c) in the lt most lane used by traffic going in your direction
c 25. On a two lane roadway (one way traffic), the lt lane is for
(a) slow moving traffic.
(b) only to be used when passing.
(c) passing and preparing to make a lt hand turn.
a 26. On a one way two-lane road way, the lt lane is for
(a) passing and preparing to make lt turn.
(b) passing only.
(c) fast moving traffic.
(d) slowing down speed of traffic.
a 27. You have reached an intersection in a lane marked lt turn only, you should
(a) make a lt turn.
(b) try to get out of the lane as quickly as possible.
(c) signal and change lanes when it is safe.
c 28. When making a lt turn, you should drive
(a) whenever the traffic is the lightest unless a special lt turn lane is available.
(b) several miles above the speed limit so you will not hold up the traffic behind you.
(c) in the lt-most lane used in the traffic going in your direction.
(d) close to the right-hand side of the road.
c 29. If you are in a passing zone you should
(a) slow down to the posted speed limit.
(b) signal to other vehicle to pass you if you are going below the speed limit.
(c) make sure you are going within the posted speed limit.
(d) keep steady even pressure on the gas pedal.
c 30. The best way to tell whether or not you are permitted to pass another vehicle is
to see if
(a) there is a flashing green light.
(b) the road is straight.
(c) there are solid or broken lane markings.
b 31. The best way to tell whether you are permitted to pass other vehiclesis to see if
(a) there is a green flashing light.
(b) there are solid or broken lane markings.
(c) the vehicle ahead signals that it is ok to pass.
(d) the road ahead is straight.
b 32. The end of a no passing zone means
(a) it is safe to pass.
(b) you can only pass when it is safe.
(c) passing is not permitted.
a 33. Driving slower than the posted minimum speed limit when not necessary for safety is
(a) a violation of the law.
(b) the right of any driver.
(c) not advisable.
(d) a good rule to follow.
c 34. When may you drive the maximum speed limit?
(a) at all times
(b) only during the day
(c) if the vehicle, highway and weather conditions are ideal
b 35. If a traffic signal changes while a pedestrian is still in the street
(a) vehicle making turn have the right of way.
(b) pedestrian has the right of way.
(c) vehicle coming from the right have the right of way.
(d) vehicle coming from the lt have the right of way.
a 36. If a pedestrian is crossing the street in an unmarked crosswalk, you should
(a) yield the right of way.
(b) blow your horn and maintain speed.
(c) slow down and blow your horn.
C 37. If a pedestrian is crossing at an intersection where there are no traffic controls, you should
(a) take the right of way but do not strike him.
(b) slow down and proceed with care.
(c) stop and give him the right of way.
(d) blow your horn and take the right of way.
a 38. You are driving up to an intersection where there is no signal light or policeman. In a cross walk, a pedestrian is crossing your half of the street, you should
(a) stop and give him the right of way.
(b) blow your horn and maintain speed.
(c) slow down and blow your horn.
(d) take the right of way but do not strike him.
b 39. When two cars reach an intersection at the same time, the right of way should be given to
(a) the car coming from the lt.
(b) the car coming from the right
(c) the oncoming car.
(d) the car traveling fastest.
b 40. The law requires that you do not follow any fire engines traveling to a fire closer than
(a) 377 ft.
(b) 577 ft.
(c) 8777 ft.
c 41. On a short entrance to an interstate, where there is no acceleration lane.
(a) Enter the far right traffic lane and speed up to the flow of traffic there.
(b) Use the shoulder of main road to get up to the speed of the traffic.
(c) Speed up to the entrance only after you have found a gap in traffic.
(d) Come to a complete stop bore entering the interstate.
c 42. If there is a short entrance to an interstate where there is no acceleration lane, you should
(a) stop and look for a gap in traffic.
(b) pick up speed to match traffic.
(c) speed up on the entrance only if you have found a gap in traffic.
a 43. When leaving an interstate highway, you should
(a) get into the right hand lane well bore reaching exit and follow posted speed limit.
(b) increase speed to pass vehicle not exiting.
(c) signal and come to a gradual stop just bore the exit.
a 44. When leaving an interstate, you should
(a) get into the right lane well ahead of time and follow the posted speed limit on exit ramp.
(b) slow down on the main highway.
(c) speed up as you enter the deceleration lane.
b 45. When entering an interstate from a lt entrance, you should
(a) enter to road at a speed faster than the speed limit.
(b) compare what you see in your mirrors with what you see when looking over your shoulder.
(c) stop when the right lane is clear of approaching traffic.
c 46. In general, you should stop bore entering an interstate when
(a) there is no special lane to use in order to speed up.
(b) the entrance leads into the lt lane of traffic.
(c) waiting for a break in the traffic.
(d) the entrance is short or has a low speed limit.
a 47. What must a driver do bore entering a street or highway from an alley, private road, or drive-way
(a) Stop, yield right-of-way to pedestrians and vehicles.
(b) Stop bore entering the road only if there is a stop sign or a red light.
(c) Slow down only when there is traffic on the road.
(d) Slow down and sound your horn bore entering the road.
b 48. Bore entering a street of highway from alley, private road, or driveway, you should
(a) slow down.
(b) stop and yield the right of way to the pedestrians and vehicles.
(c) blow your horn to warn pedestrians and move into traffic when safe.
b 49. On a street or highway where traffic is moving in both directions what position must you be in bore a lt hand turn?
(a) close to the lt side of the highway
(b) to the right of and as close to the center line as possible
(c) in the right hand lane
d 50. Under which of the following conditions would the road be more likely to be slippery
(a) Center lines have just been painted.
(b) New highway just opened for public use.
(c) It has rained for several hours.
(d) It has just started to rain or drizzle.
b 51. Your following distance under normal conditions should be
(a) one car length for every 27 mph.
(b) 2 seconds.
(c) 577 ft.
c 52. Under normal road contitions, you should keep a following distance of
(a) two car lengths.
(b) 25 to 37 ft.
(c) two seconds.
a 53. When following a car in bad weather, you should
(a) increase your following distance to 3 or 4 seconds.
(b) stay 877 ft. behind.
(c) keep your following distance the same.
a 54. The distance you should follow another vehicle should be determined by
(a) speed, weather, road, and vehicle mechanical conditions.
(b) legal speed limit.
(c) condition of vehicle.
(d) type of highway.
a 55. The distance between motor vehicles traveling on a highway should be how many vehicle lengths for each ten miles of speed?
(a) one vehicle length.
(b) two vehicle lengths.
(c) three vehicle lengths.
c 56. You are required to keep a safe distance behind the vehicle in front of you at 37 m.p.h.
you should keep
(a) one car length in back.
(b) two car lengths in back.
(c) three car lengths in back.
(d) ten feet in back.
a 57. Good drivers traveling in heavy fog at night always use the
(a) low beams.
(b) high beams.
(c) parking lights.
(d) no lights.
a 58. When light are required on the open highway, a driver shall use the high beam
(a) except when within 577 feet of an oncoming vehicle
(b) except when within 477 feet of an oncoming vehicle
(c) except when within 277 feet of an oncoming vehicle
c 59. When driving a motor vehicle at night, you should dim your headlights when
(a) 577 ft. from meeting an oncoming car.
(b) 377 ft. behind another car.
(c) both of the above.
(d) neither of the above.
a 60. When meeting a car with blinding headlights, you should
(a) use quick glances, looking away from the bright lights.
(b) stare at the oncoming headlights to make sure you will not go into his lane.
(c) turn on your lights until the other driver dims his lights.
a 61. Bore changing lane in traffic, you should
(a) see if it is safe, and then signal.
(b) have your turn signal on for at least a minute.
(c) sound your horn.
(d) be stopped or driving slower than the other traffic
a 62. Under which of the following conditions would the road be most likely to be slippery?
(a) It has just started to rain or drizzle.
(b) It has been raining for an hour or more.
(c) on a dry surface.
b 63. You are driving on a slippery road and you have to make a stop quickly. The best way to do this is to
(a) jam on your brake.
(b) pump the brake pedal.
(c) gradually hit your brake pedal.
(d) apply brakes in normal manner.
b 64. When approaching a curve, you should
(a) pick up speed slightly.
(b) decrease speed bore entering the curve.
(c) decrease speed as you enter the curve.
d 65. Prior to entering a curve, a good practice is to
(a) ride the center of the road.
(b) maintain steady speed and apply brakes if necessary.
(c) slow down only when pavement is slippery.
(d) slow down and then increase speed after getting the feel of the curve.
d 66. If you saw a vehicle stopped on the shoulder with its hood up, you should
(a) Turn on your emergency flashers to warn other vehicles and continue at the same speed.
(b) Speed up and change lanes.
(c) Blow your horn to warn its driver.
(d) Slow down and move to the lt part of the lane.
a 67. If you have a blow out while driving, you should
(a) slowly let up on the accelerator(Gas Pedal) and look for a safe place to drive off the road.
(b) apply the brakes as soon as you notice the blow out.
(c) keep going at the same speed until you can get off the road.
(d) continue driving on the shoulder until you get to the next exit.
d 68. When a tire blows out, the safest thing to do is
(a) drive on the shoulder of the road and apply brakes.
(b) steer straight ahead.
(c) apply brakes for a quick stop.
(d) slow down gradually, pull off the roadway.
a 69 When a tire blows, the safest thing to do is
(a) look for a safe place to drive off the road.
(b) pump your brakes and stop immediately.
(c) stop gradually on the road and warn other drivers by turning on your emergency lights
a 70. If a car is disabled on the side of the road with its hood up, you should
(a) slow down and move to the lt side of you lane.
(b) maintain speed.
(c) blow your horn to warn the driver not to come into your lane.
b 71. Whenever the windows of your car become cloudy, obstructing your vision, you should
(a) continue to drive your car but reduce speed.
(b) stop and clear windows.
(c) continue at normal speed.
(d) slow down and drive to service station.
a 72. If you become tired or sleepy while driving, you should
(a) stop and rest.
(b) drink coffee and tea.
(c) drive more carully.
(d) turn on the radio.
d 73. If you become tired or sleepy while driving, it is best to
(a) take anti-sleep pills.
(b) stop for a cup of coffee.
(c) stop and exercise until you wake up.
(d) rest or if possible change a driver.
c 74. The first driving ability affected by alcohol is
(a) knowledge.
(b) skill.
(c) judgment.
a 75. Alcohol first fects
(a) judgement and coordination.
(b) knowledge.
(c) skill.
a 76. If you are convicted for operating a vehicle while under the influence of any alcoholic beverage, you will
(a) lose your privilege to drive a motor vehicle.
(b) be given a warning by the department of Motor Vehicles
(c) be permitted to drive trucks or buses only.
(d) be permitted to drive during daylight only.
b 77. Bore begining to pass you should
(a) drive up close behind the lead vehicle.
(b) judge the speed of the lead vehicle.
(c) slow down so you will have more room to pass.
(d) blow your horn and put on the bright lights.
b 78. When deciding to pass, you should
(a) see if there is an oncoming car.
(b) judge the speed of the lead car.
(c) accelerate to go faster than the car in front.
c 79. You may pass a vehicle on the right only if
(a) you use the shoulder when passing.
(b) you are on a two-lane road and there is oncoming traffic.
(c) the vehicle ahead of you is about to make a lt turn.
(d) the vehicle ahead signals that it is all right to pass.
c 80. When overtaking a car going in the same direction, you may pass on the right
(a) never.
(b) if there is a shoulder.
(c) when the car ahead of you has signaled for a lt hand turn.
c 81. When overtaking and passing another vehicle, you should
(a) sound horn and pass when safe.
(b) sound horn and wait until the other driver signals that it is safe.
(c) you do not have to blow your horn.
c 82. When passing, you should return to the right side of the road when
(a) you are 85 ft. ahead of the car you are passing.
(b) you are 877 ft. ahead of the car you are passing.
(c) you see the headlights of the vehicle you just passed in your rear view mirror.
d 83. When passing a vehicle, you should return to the right side of the road when
(a) you are 57 feet in front of the passed vehicle.
(b) the other driver signals you to do so.
(c) you have cleared the front bumper by a rear view mirror.
(d) you can see both its headlights in your rear view mirror.
a 84. If you are driving a vehicle being overtaken, you should
(a) give way to the right in favor of the overtaking vehicle.
(b) speed up.
(c) speed up and move to the right.
c 85. If you decide to stop to a vehicle ahead of you pull into a parking space, you should
(a) move up only behind it as it pulls into space.
(b) come to complete stop directly behind it.
(c) stop several vehicle lengths behind it.
(d) move into the next lane, but wait until it has parked space.
c 86. Bore moving your car into traffic from a parked position, you should
(a) sound your horn and go ahead.
(b) signal and pull into the street.
(c) signal, yield the right of way, and pull into the street.
(d) signal, wait for first vehicle to pass, and then pull into the street.
b 87. Bore moving your car into traffic from a parked position or changing lanes, you should
(a) signal and enter.
(b) signal and proceed when safe.
(c) go when it is clear.
(d) blow your horn and then enter traffic.
b 88. If following a car that has its signal on and is ready to park, you should
(a) more to the lt and pass quickly.
(b) stop several vehicle lengths behind it.
(c) pass the car on the right.
c 89. When you are following vehicles which often stop (bus, post office car,etc.)
(a) Do not pass, wait until turn off the road.
(b) Blow your horn to warn.
(c) Allow more following distance than usual.
(d) Keep your emergency flashers turned on.
c 90. When meeting a stopped school bus, you should
(a) stop only when approaching from the rear.
(b) stop only when approaching from the front.
(c) stop when approaching from the front and rear.
b 91. How can you see a car in your blind spot
(a) by using both your side and rear view mirror.
(b) by glancing over your shoulder.
(c) by read justing the outside mirror.
d 92. You should check your brakes, lights, and signals
(a) only when required to do so.
(b) about once a year.
(c) about once every 8777 miles
(d) each time you drive.
c 93. You should check brakes, lights and signals
(a) every 577 miles.
(b) once a month.
(c) each time you drive.
c 94. When you see or hear an emergency vehicle with a flashing light, siren blowing or bell ringing, you should
(a) maintain speed.
(b) slow down.
(c) pull over to the right.
b 95. If you strike an unattended vehicle, you are required to
(a) stay at the scene.
(b) leave your name, address, and registration number, and notify the police.
(c) leave your driver&apos&aposs license on the damaged car and call your insurance company.
(d) not move your vehicle until the accident is investigated.
c 96. A person whose driver license is rused, suspended, revoked or cancelled shall
(a) drive only in an emergency.
(b) only drive during the day.
(c) not drive under any condition.
(d) drive when there is a licensed driver with him.
b 97. Driving in violation of any restrictions on your license is
(a) the same as driving without a license.
(b) more serious than driving without a license.
(c) less serious than driving without a license.
(d) permitted in unusual cases.
c 98. What cards must you have with you when operating a motor vehicle?
(a) registration card
(b) driver&apos&aposs license
(c) registration card and driver&apos&aposs license
b 99. If your vehicle goes into a skid, you should
(a) steer in the opposite direction that your rear is skidding.
(b) steer in the direction that your rear is skidding.
(c) jam on your brake.
c 100. The best way to bring your car out of a skid is to
(a) turn steering wheel first right, when lt.
(b) put brakes on quickly and hard.
(c) turn the steering wheel in the direction of the skid.
(d) increase speed.
c 101. Generally, the safest drivers are those drivers who
(a) are good auto mechanics.
(b) have no physical dects.
(c) are always alert and obey the traffic laws.
(d) drive slowly at all times.
b 102. Most traffic accidents are the result of
(a) mechanical dects in automobiles.
(b) errors in driver&apos&aposs judgement.
(c) dects in the road.
(d) bad weather contitions.
a 1. A diamond shaped sign means
(a) warning.
(b) stop.
(c) yield right of way.
c 2. An upside-down triangle means
(a) warning.
(b) stop.
(c) yield right of way.
b 3. An octagon shaped sign means
(a) warning.
(b) stop.
(c) yield right of way.
b 4. When you come to a STOP sign, you should
(a) be prepared to stop if there is an approaching car.
(b) make a complete stop and proceed when safe.
(c) slow down and proceed when safe.
d 5. What should you do when you come to a STOP sign at an intersection?
(a) Slow down and proceed with caution.
(b) Stop only if there are any vehicles approaching the intersection.
(c) Slow down, sound horn, and proceed.
(d) Make a full stop and proceed when safe.
b 6. The hand signal for a right turn is:
(a) Point the arm and hand down.
(b) Hold the arm and hand up.
(c) Put the arm straight out.
(d) Make a circular motion the arm.
c 7. The hand signal for lt turn is:
(a) pointing the arm and hand down.
(b) holding the arm and hand up.
(c) pointing the arm and hand straight out.
(d) making circular motion with the arm.
a 8. When you are stopping or slowing down you should signal by
(a) pointing arm and hand down.
(b) putting the arm and hand straight up.
(c) putting the arm straight out.
(d) making a circular motion with arm.
a 9. When the arm is extended outward, it means
(a) lt turn
(b) slow or stop
(c) right turn
a 10. When the arm and hand is pointing downward, it means
(a) slow or stop.
(b) lt turn.
(c) right turn.上1234567891011下
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