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  CUNY Board Approves Tuition Increases

  Richard Pérez-Peña reported in Tuesday’s Times that tuition at the City University of New York will rise by 31 percent over the next five years after a vote by CUNY trustees on Monday. He wrote:

  Richard Pérez-Peña宣称根据学校董事会的投票表决,纽约城市大学学费在未来的五年内会增加百分之三十一。

  The first of those increases, to $5,130, already took fect this year. The board’s 15-to-1 vote will raise tuition for undergraduates at CUNY’s four-year colleges to $6,330 in 2015-16, with about $500 a year in additional fees. The State University system’s trustees recently approved a set of parallel increases.


  As Mr. Pérez-Peña reported, students took to the streets of New York City to protest the increases, which will amount to a $300 annual price hike through 2015. Protestors framed their dissent in terms of race and class, arguing that the administration was “out of touch” with the CUNY population, largely made up of low-income and minority students.

  University officials returned that, thanks to state and federal aid, 44 percent of CUNY undergraduates paid no tuition. Additionally, at Monday’s meeting, the trustees approved $5 million in new aid to help offset the increases for the neediest students.


  In spite of the increases, CUNY’s fees will remain more affordable than most public university systems around the country which, according to the College Board (PDF), charged an average of $8,240 in tuition and fees in 2011 — 60 percent more than CUNY charged. (As Mr. Pérez-Peña also pointed out, in comparison, Rutgers University has a list price of $12,755 and the University of Connecticut one of $8,874.)

  尽管纽约城市大学学费增加了,但是相比于其它公立大学(很多大学在2011年的学费基本是$8,240,这比城市大学高出了百分之六十。比如罗格斯大学是$12,755 ,康涅狄格大学是$8,874。)来说,城市大学还是学费比较便宜的学校。





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