您所在的位置: 首页> 新闻列表> 美国高中交换生申请之电话面试问题.
Where do you go to school and what are you studying-?
What do you like/dislike about school?
Do you have a lot of experience when it comes to travelling-?
Have you been travelling outside your country by yourself or together with family-?
Whose idea was it to apply for a High school year abroad-?
What expectations do you have of your high school year-?
In what way do you think your High school year will affect you-?
What will be the most challenging part of being an exchange student-?
What do you plan on pursuing or accomplishing while on this program-?
Your host family is hosting you on voluntary basis. What do you think the family expects from you-?
What’s your opinion of adapting to the host family’s rules and regulations-( go to church, not smoke, not be able to stay up late, help out at home, dress the way they find suitable etc.)?
What are your expectations of your host family- What do you think you can offer them-?
What would you do in a situation if you are feeling home sick/lonely/sad-?
How would you describe yourself- Please add two challenging?
characteristics add two positive characteristics?
Describe your family and what you do together-?
Do you have any chores at home-?
What are your future job or career plans-?
Which school do you go to and which program do you attend-?
Have you traveled a lot in the past- On your own or with friends/family-?
What are your expectations on your year abroad- ?
What do you expect to gain from it-?
Host families volunteer to take in an exchange student. what do you think?
that the host family expects from this experience- What can you give them-?
What do you do when you get homesick-?
What are your expectations on your placement when it comes to family,surroundings, school-?
How would you brily describe yourself-?
成功申请美国高中留学必须做好详细规划,澳际留学为您提供高中留学方案按照澳际六步曲服务体系精心为您服务,美国高中留学申请首先要规划出国相关考试:TOEFL/SSAT/SLEP等;根据自身综合背景和需求选择学校;准备申请文书;近年成绩单;准备签证;联系推荐人,准备推荐信;填写申请表, 缴纳报名费;准备学校面试;选择录取学校。详情了解澳际六步曲服务体系,www.aoji.cn
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲