


2017/07/26 14:28:54 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:508 移动端


  Short Answers

  1. St. Paul&apos&aposs School is a fully residential community where faculty, their families, and all students live together. We believe that community relationships are essential in shaping the whole person. Tell us about your current residential community, which may include your neighborhood, hometown, friends, family, and mentors. How has this community shaped who you are?

  2. Mark Twain is known to have said, "It is curious that physical courage should be so common in the world and moral courage so rare." Describe a moment when you demonstrated moral courage and stood up for what you believed was right…or wish you had

  3. Service is an important part of our School&apos&aposs mission. How do you imagine yourself being a good citizen and serving your community?


  Choose one:

  1. Where do you find beauty in your life? For example, you may find beauty in the pattern of numbers in a math equation, in the tempo of chirping crickets, or in the smell of your old baseball glove.

  2. If you had a billion dollars to donate to science and technology, what would you support and why?

  3. How do you dine success? Name someone who best lives up to your dinition.

  4. At St. Paul&apos&aposs School, we believe that learning from mistakes is an essential part of growing up. Tell us about a time when you stumbled in life. How did you handle it? What did you learn?

  5. You are on a group trip in a country where your language is not spoken. You become separated from your group, carrying only a passport and a limited amount of cash. What do you do?


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