


2017/07/26 13:26:40 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:276 移动端


  Friday Night: (2/12)

  Movie and Games in the pool. Snacks and food for sale. 6:15-10:00 pm. Sponsored by CA Swimming.(电影和游泳池活动)

  CA BUS: TOYO Trip*. Departs 6:00 pm from the Dining Hall. (学校专车到附近的一家日本餐厅)

  Student Center (6:30-10:30 pm) (学生活动中心开放)

  Open Gym (7:00-10:00 pm) (体育场开放)

  Saturday Night: (2/13)

  Special Trip to Formosa*: Asian fusion restaurant. 4:30 pm departure. $20 per person. Trip will return in time for dance. (中国新年年夜饭/附近的一家台湾/四川餐厅)

  Pan-Asian Disco in Field House. (8-10 pm) (农历新年舞会)

  CA BUS: Movies in Southington*. Departs 6:30 pm from the Dining Hall. (学校有车到附近的电影院)

  Student Center (6:30-10:30 pm) (学生活动中心开放)

  Sunday: (2/14)

  NYC Day Trip*. CA Bus to Train Station departs 10 am. Train to NYC is $30 roundtrip. Return in the evening. (学校专车送到火车站;学生坐火车去纽约市)

  New Haven Shuttle*. Departs 11 am from Dining Hall

  Redbox Cinema: Richardson Lecture Hall 3pm

  Student Center (1:00-5:00pm & 7:00pm-10:30pm)

  Open Gym (1:00-5:00pm & 7:00-10:30pm)

  Movie and Food in the Dining Hall. 8 pm start


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