


2017/07/26 10:07:48 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:344 移动端


  Time release离场时间:

  The doors will be locked one hour after the start of the dance. No one will be admitted after that time.Students will not be released from the dance until one half hour bore the dance ends.A student may leave early with their parent。


  Guess passes邀请卡:

  When a student signs up a guest from another school, he/she will be given a guest pass from the office. Pass will be given to teachers when ticket is puechased。


  Dress code衣着规范:

  No hats at prom. No blue jeans. Boys should wear collared shirts and dress pants. Girls cannot wear dresses that expose cleavage, extend above mid-thigh, have slits extending above mid-thigh.Students not appropriatedly dressed will not be allowed in to the dance。


  Student check-in登记入场:

  Students with bags,coats will be asked to stop at the check-in table and will be subject to search。



  All dancers must remain upright-no sexual bending is allowed. Examples are: no hands on knees, and no hands on the dance floor with your buttocks touching your dance partner.There will be no straddling of each others' legs. Both feet must remain on the dance floor at all times. A student dancing inappropriately will be asked to leave the dance. This may result in loss of dance privileges for the year。



  美国高中留学申请需要提交申请材料,申请材料中包括父母或监护人调查问卷、学生调查问卷、教师推荐信、近两年学习成绩单、TOEFL/TOEFL Junior成绩,如果学生希望得到经济帮助,则需填写经济援助申请表(对中国学生而言,没有任何奖学金或贷款)。其中学校对SSAT/TOEFL Junior/TOEFL成绩的要求,不同学校有不同标准。在所有接收中国学生的学校中,有60%的学校不需要SSAT成绩。对TOEFL Junior/TOEFL成绩,不同学校也有不同规定。具体学校的要求参看澳际网站各学校详细介绍。www.aoji.cn

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