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美国大学“奖学金”应称为“经济资助(financial aid)”,这些奖学金有些是基金会、企业、公司、工厂或私人捐助给学院的,金额从五百美元到十几万美元不等。美国大学丰厚的奖学金制度是吸引莘莘学子们前往的一个重要原因。在申请学校的同时就要提交奖学金申请。那么美国3000多所大学,他们都有奖学金吗?他们的奖学金是依据什么原则发放的呢?我们就从这些词”Need- blind”, ”Need-based” , “Merit Aid”来帮助自己理解吧。
“Need-blind”: 一个非常形象的词,重点体现”blind”,我们可以这样理解,录取委员会在评审学生的时候,把学生家庭经济状况用手盖住,不看。家庭经济情况是不影响你是否被录取的。录取委员会在评审学生的时候,不考虑他的经济状况,如果学生被录取了,那么学校就会想办法解决学生的经济困难。提供need blind 给国际学生的学校真的是太少了,这些学校都是一些财大气粗的学校,他们有丰厚的奖学金。比如说: Dartmouth College, Harvard University, MIT, Princeton University, Williams College, Yale University, Amherst College.(以学校信息为准,学校每年可能会有调整)
“Need-based”: 以需要的原则发放奖学金。美国很多的大学采取这种发放奖学金的原则。形式一般包括:Grants/ Campus employment/ loans
例如:Smith college 的奖学金政策(原文)
Financial Aid
Smith's resources for financial aid include grants, campus jobs, and loans. A student's financial aid package will include one or more of these. A loan and a job (considered self-help) are usually the first components of an aid package; remaining need is met with grant aid. The ratio of self-help to grant will increase as you progress toward your degree.
Grants are funds given to students with no requirement of repayment or work time in exchange. Most Smith College grants come from funds given for this purpose by alumnae and friends of the college and by foundations and corporations. The federal and state governments also provide assistance through need-based grants, such as Federal Pell Grants and state scholarships. Smith receives an allocation each year for Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants and for state-funded Gilbert Grants for Massachusetts residents.
Loans, which enable you to borrow against future income, must be repaid. The loan offered in your financial aid package might be a Federal Subsidized Direct Ford Loan, a Federal Perkins Loan and/or a Smith College loan - none of which require that you pay principal or interest until you leave Smith. The annual loan amount in your package will increase each year you are at Smith.
Campus employment
If your financial aid award includes an on-campus earning opportunity, you will have priority in applying for campus jobs. Temporary jobs may be available to students who do not qualify for need-based assistance. Smith participates in the Federal Work-Study Program, which funds a large part of student earnings on campus and provides some job opportunities with nonprofit agencies off campus.
Student wages are paid every two weeks during the academic year. Earnings from campus jobs are intended to be used primarily for miscellaneous expenses, but may be used to help pay college bills. Optional payroll deduction is available for this purpose.
“Non-need-based”: 这个原则基本上就是我们平时见到的Merit -based,它的意思是:奖学金的发放是以申请人本身的学术,思想品质,发展潜力等实力因素来决定的。不管你经济上是否需要帮助,只要是学校认可你的学术背景,一样还是会给予奖学金的。大多数的Merit-based奖学金并没有局限于美国本土的学生申请,而是针对大部分申请者,所以你要是觉得自己有着过人的背景,不妨尝试申请。
例如:Smith college 的奖学金政策(原文)
Smith offers a limited number of awards based on merit rather than need. All applicants for admission are automatically considered; there are no special application forms. Students are selected by the Office of Admission and must maintain satisfactory academic progress in order to have their scholarships renewed annually. Merit aid is only offered at the time of admission.
美国的高中主要分公立和私立两大类:公立约占85%左右,私立约占15%左右。公立学校只有少数交换生名额,且不接受国际学生读高中。赴美高中留学以去私立学校为主。将近40%的美国高中要求学生有SSAT(美国私立中学入学考试)的考试成绩。SSAT考试在中国大陆设有考点,地点在上海,SSAT考试报名费用约为人民币1600元。另外60%的学校不对学生作出SSAT要求。然后我们将填写心仪高中的申请表,并给学校寄去申请材料。申请材料中包括父母或监护人调查问卷、学生调查问卷、教师推荐信、近两年学习成绩单、TOEFL/TOEFL Junior成绩,如果学生希望得到经济帮助,则需填写经济援助申请表(对中国学生而言,没有任何奖学金或贷款)。学生可能会被要求参加面试。如果符合条件,学生将会收到录取通知书。想要获得适合你的美国高中留学方案,请直接点击www.aoji.cn
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲