您所在的位置: 首页> 新闻列表> 美国高中推进学生预读的.
1.Adams Born Free
2.Adams Tales from Watership Down
3.Alcott Little Women
4.Baker The First Woman Doctor
5.Baum The Wizard of Oz
6.Beagle The Last Unicorn
7.Borland When the Legends Die
8.Boston An Enemy at Green Knowe
9.Bradbury The Martian Chronicles
10.Crichton The Andromeda Strain
11.Christopher The White Mountain
12.Claflin Sojourner Truth and the Struggle for Freedom
13.Collier My Brother Sam is Dead
14.Cormier I Am The Cheese
The Chocolate War
15.Craven I Heard the Owl Call My Name
16.Fast April Morning
17.Frank Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl
18.Forbes Johnny Tremain
19.Goodman The Winter Hare Songs From Home
20.Gordon Waiting for the Rain
21.Grahame The Wind in the Willows
22.Grey The Shorestop
23.Herriot All Creatures Great and Small
24.Heyerdahl Kon-Tiki
25.Holm Rocket Boys(October Sky)
26.Hunt Across Five Aprils
27.Huxley,A Brave New World
28.Huxley,E. The Flame Trees of Thika
The Mottled Lizard
29.Jacques Redwall Mariel of Redwall
30.Knowles A Separate Peace
31.Konigsburg From the Mixed up Files of Mr.Basil E.Frankweiler
32.L&apos&aposEngle A Wrinkle in Time
33.Lewis The Lion, Witch,and the Wardrobe
34.Lewis Young Fu of the Upper Yangtze
35.Little From Anna
36.London The Call of the Wild White Fang
37.Lord A Night to Remember
38.Lowry The Giver
39.Merrill The Pushcart War
40.Mckinley The Blue Sword The Hero and The Crown
41.Montgomery Anne of Green Gables(&any other in the series) Enily of New Moon(& any other in the series)
42.Mowat Never Cry Wolf
43.O&apos&aposBrien Z for Zachariah
44.O&apos&aposDell Island of the Blue Dolphins
45.Paulsen The Dogsong Hatchet Nightjohn
46.Peterson The Bridge to Terabithia
47.Rawlings The Yearling
48.Remarque All Quiet on the Western Front
49.Renault The King Must Die
50.Rowling Harry Potter Series
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲