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1. 课堂氛围的差异 Classroom differences
A U.S. education—particularly at the graduate level–may be more hands-on and interactive than what you've experienced in another country, which could come as a shock to new students who haven't prepared borehand.
"Be informed about how the life of being a student [is]," recommends Diah Wihardini, a native of Indonesia who's studying education at the University of California–Berkeley. "Here, you are expected to be an independent learner [and] have to have more upfront knowledge of what is going to be expected of [you]." The work isn't necessarily harder, she says, but it's different. For example, students in the United States may take fewer courses but delve much deeper into the subject material than they might in Indonesia.
在课堂上,老师也期待学生有更多发言。丹麦的Anne Berg则是对于老师在课堂发言外,会找学生在“答疑时间/办公室时间office hours”感到惊讶。“原来老师是可以和学生这么亲近的,让学生真正可以和老师讨论问题。”
In class, students also may be expected to speak up more than in their home countries. Having to "perform" in class or being invited to swing by professors' office hours afterwards came as a surprise to Anne Berg, a student from Denmark who's also studying at UC—Berkeley."Professors are accessible, and you can actually talk to them," she notes.
相对地,老师希望看到的就不是只有提出问题、简单讨论;教授不会只有上课,而会希望在课程中看到学生进行“有深度”讨论,学生往往在上课的一问一答中感受到同侪竞争。“对于新生而言,这是需要一段时间来适应的!”Anne Berg说“不过,来美国念书,不就是希望可以变得更有竞争力?”
But channels for open communication also mean that, in class, her professors demand "real discussion," rather than simply lecturing. To thrive in an interactive class setting, "you have to have some sort of competitive edge, or you'll get rolled over," Berg says. "If you go to the U.S., you have to be competitive."
2. 城乡生活的不同 City disparities
美国地区之大,从纽约繁华到肯萨斯的平原,是很难用单纯的城市或是乡村来区分的。西班牙的Anton Padin Deben则提出“对于国际学生而言,这些地区差异如果事前没有做功课的话,是很容易“思乡”的,那些像是习惯大都市生活的学生,到郊区美国大学念书,原本认为自己进入很棒的研究所就会有很丰富的生活,实际上却发现学校研究很先进没错,但是生活上差异却让他们无法适应。”
From the bustling streets of New York City to the wide and flat plains of Kansas, it's impossible to geographically dine the United States with a single term. That can come as a surprise to international students who haven't researched the area they'll soon be calling home, says Anton Padin Deben, a student from Spain.
Some students "come from big cities around the world to the countryside of the U.S.," he notes. "You think you're going to a very good school—which is true—but then there's this very big shock."
Deben举自己为例,他曾在德州农工大学(Texas A&M University—College Station)和科罗拉多矿业学校(the Colorado School of Mines)念工程(engineering),两所学校的地区差异、文化和气候差异,都曾让他花过很多时间适应。德州农工大学(Texas A&M University—College Station)研究所课程很精彩,但是离市区遥远,让他很不习惯。后来,在同学协助下,一起开车出去,慢慢走出大学校区外,才让他的生活恢复正常。因此,他提醒要出国的学生:"不管在哪里读书,千万要在事前做好功课。这些功课不但可以减轻学生生活心理压力,也可以提早了解未来会遇到的房租食物等生活费问题。"
Since coming here to study engineering, Deben has spent time at both Texas A&M University—College Station and the Colorado School of Mines, two schools with very different locations, geographical features, and climates.
Though he speaks fondly of his time studying at Texas A&M, Deben says the school's remote setting made for an initial adjustment period—until he found friends with cars who could drive him beyond the limits of the college town. No matter where you'll be studying, "You have to do a [lot of] research bore you do anything," he recommends.
Investigating the city you're going to will also help you get a rough idea of what you'll be paying for housing and meals. A month's rent or a dinner out near Berkeley is more expensive for Indonesian student Wihardini, she says, than for her friends who study in more remote locations.
3. 东西文化的适应 Cultural barriers
危地马拉的Maria Jose Aldana主修文化,她已经对多元文化的交流相当熟悉,到了丹佛大学后,她发现美国学生对于文化的了解,是相当贫乏。
Growing up in Guatemala, Maria Jose Aldana studied the history of many cultures outside of her own, including (but not limited to) the United States. So she was surprised when many of her U.S. classmates at the University of Denver didn't have a similar breadth of world knowledge.
“我以为主修文化学习的学生,应该可以包容各种特色;但是他们对于危地马拉的认识,却让我相当失望,同学时常不经意的批评我的外表和传统,有时候我对于这样的行为感到非常受伤。后来,我学会不去在意,或是学习去接纳。”其中,重要的是要加入他们的话题("The idea is to try to engage in a dialogue")。
"I sometimes think we study more about the U.S. and other countries—I thought more people would know about Guatemala," says the economic development student. "My expectations were higher."
The lack of knowledge may be to blame for some insensitive—though perhaps unintentional—comments she's heard from Americans about her appearance and heritage. Though it's sometimes hurtful, Aldana says she's learned to be flexible and has opened up to those who express interest in her culture.
"The idea is to try to engage in a dialogue," she says.
不过,文化的差异,也因人而异。丹麦的Berg则是认为美国文化相当热情("a very warm and welcoming culture")。
But uncomfortable run-ins haven't characterized the experience for all the Fulbright students interviewed. For Denmark's Berg, the United States has been "a very warm and welcoming culture," she says.
文化、课程和生活都只是留学生活的一环,不管有什么考虑,"尝试(Do it)"就是第一步,毕竟,这是一个相当难得的经验。
That might be part of the reason behind her final tip for students trying to decide if studying in the United States is right for them: "Do it," Berg says. "It's just an amazing experience."
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲