

Yale SOM MBA 2017 Deadlines and Essay Questions.

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  Despite the common assumption that summers are quiet in academia, June came and went with a flurry of activity here in admissions. The month included lots of outreach and events, starting on the 1st with our first Consortium Orientation Program in Charlotte and ending just last Friday when SOM concluded its inaugural two-week Pre-MBA Leadership Program here on campus (the purpose of which is to expose college students and early professionals who are committed to diversity and inclusion to the possibilies of an MBA education). In between, there was the GMAC Annual Industry Conference, the Forte Foundation Annual Meeting, and meetings with Womensphere, StartingBloc, and a number of other partner organizations. It was a very busy month, and the Consortium OP and Pre-MBA Program in particular were notable as indicative of the importance of diversity here at SOM.

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