

Columbia MBA Essay Topics & Deadlines.

2017/07/25 23:36:33 编辑: 浏览次数:241 移动端

  Options and Deadlines

  One MBA, Two Paths

  Columbia Business School provides students with the option of enrolling in either September or January. Students who enroll in September are presented with an internship option after their first year of studies. Students who do not want or need an internship may consider beginning their MBA studies in January and taking their second term during the summer. A January start may be ideal for students who wish to remain in the same industry after graduation or pursue entrepreneurial interests.

  The two paths, each comprised of four semesters, merge in the fall of the second year of studies to complete the program of electives. The paths are identical in terms of competitiveness of admissions, academic rigor and student resources.


  Early Decision

  The Early Decision option is ideal for candidates who have completed their research about MBA programs and have decided that Columbia is the school they want to attend. Early Decision applications are reviewed bore Regular Decision applications.

  Early Decision candidates must sign the following Statement of Commitment:

  As an Early Decision candidate to Columbia Business School, I understand that if I am admitted I will submit my nonrundable $6,000 deposit to secure my place in the September entering class. I am committed to attending Columbia Business School and will withdraw all applications and decline all offers from other schools upon admission to Columbia Business School.

  Early Decision applicants will find the Statement of Commitment in the Honor System section of the online application.

  Early Decision candidates who are offered admission have up to two weeks to submit their nonrundable $6,000 deposit. Applicants who are not yet ready for this level of commitment are encouraged to apply for Regular Decision.


  Columbia Business School uses a rolling admissions process. Applications are reviewed in the order in which they are received, and decisions can be rendered at any point during the review period. It is always to your benit to apply bore the posted deadline.

  Application Review Period BeginsDecision Period*Application Deadline

  Class of 2011: January 2010 EnrollmentApril 30, 2009Within 8 weeksOctober 7, 2009

  Class of 2012: September 2010 Enrollment — Early DecisionAugust 17, 2009Within 10 weeksOctober 7, 2009

  Class of 2012: September 2010 Enrollment — International ApplicantsJanuary 6, 2010Within 12 weeksMarch 3, 2010

  Class of 2012: September 2010 Enrollment — U.S. Citizens and Permanent ResidentsJanuary 6, 2010Within 12 weeksApril 14, 2010

  * Decision period begins when a complete application goes under review.

  ** Applicants who wish to be considered for a merit-based fellowship must submit a complete application by 11:59PM EST on January 6, 2009. Fellowship recipients for the September class are announced between January and May.


  In addition to learning about your professional aspirations, the Admissions Committee hopes to gain an understanding of your interests, values and motivations through these essays. How you answer these essays is at your discretion, there are no right answers and we encourage you to answer each question thoughtfully.

  Dual Degree applicants: Please address the following questions within your response to Essay 1: How will the Dual Degree enhance your short-term or long-term goals?

  Reapplicants: If you have applied to Columbia Business School within the past year, you are required to submit only the reapplication essay. If your last application was more than one year ago, you must answer essays 1, 2, and 3.

  Essay 1

  What are your short-term and long-term post-MBA goals? How will Columbia Business School help you achieve these goals? (Recommended 750 word limit)

  Essay 2

  Master Classes are the epitome of bridging the gap between theory and practice at Columbia Business School. (View link below) Please provide an example from your own life in which practical experience taught you more than theory alone. (Recommended 500 word limit)

  View with Real Player: www.aoji.cn

  Essay 3

  Please provide an example of a team failure of which you&aposve been a part. If given a second chance, what would you do differently? (Recommended 500 word limit)

  Optional Essay

  Is there any further information that you wish to provide to the Admissions Committee? (Please use this space to provide an explanation of any areas of concern in your academic record or your personal history.)

  Reapplication Essay

  How have you enhanced your candidacy since your previous application? Please detail your progress since you last applied and reiterate your short-term and long-term goals. Explain how the tools of the Columbia MBA will help you to meet your goals and how you plan to participate in the Columbia community . (Recommended 750 word limit).

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