

Portland State University MBA 面经.

刚刚更新 编辑: 浏览次数:301 移动端


  Use 3 words that your team member will describe you?

  In a team, how do you handle with the disgreement on you from others?

  In a classroom, some students do this and some do that how do you participate them?

  In a project, if one of you team member do not work well, how do you deal with him?

  其他问题都是很常规的问题了,比如,Why MBA, Why this school, career plan.


  一个叫John的年轻人的声音,挺和蔼, 故意说的得很慢,刚一接电话我还以为是non-English speaker。

  记得他说了一句,I am a little confuse about you (囧), 我说了一句 I&aposve try my best, 然后他说I know it&aposs hard for you.


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