

in @ Wharton + MBA R2面经.

2017/07/25 23:33:31 编辑: 浏览次数:392 移动端

  in @ Wharton

  with fellowship (that part is totally unexpected!)

  interviewed by JJ in HK

  F, G730/6; T113; under from top university in mainland

  I am in finance and not "that" young already... In the past 4+ months, I&aposve been hesitating whether I should go if I do get an offer; all of the sudden, the answer is quite clear to me now ...


  7点多就去看电影,期间不停看手机,我以为是会打电话的。。九点多散场,我还自作聪明以为是应该先给日本、韩国的同学打,那也很快就打到东八区了啊。。。接着我跟两个朋友去楼上喝东西,期间仍然一天到晚看手机,我朋友都受不了我了,把我的电话给没收了。。结果我晚饭后还吃了一个pizza和一盘鸡翅 最后还是回家后看到email。。

  面试是JJ,他也没有问我所谓"typical questions",基本上就是讲我的工作经历云云,然后我也跟他说,“我年纪也不算很小了,工作也好多年了,你说要不要去读啊”然后他说"i can see the window is closing for you", 我也有点汗,然后我就跟他说 I guess it&aposs a long-term investment etc. etc. 他说长远还是有帮助的。基本上就是这样

  我挺喜欢JJ,很down to the earth,不浮夸



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