

NYU Stern Application Tips and Deadlines (2017-2017).

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  NYU Stern Essay Analysis Deadlines, 2010-2011

  Application Deadlines for the Full-time MBA program

  Online applications must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. U.S. Eastern Time on the day of the deadline. Any mailed application material must be postmarked by the deadline date.


1st Deadline

2nd Deadline

3rd Deadline

Application Due

November 15, 2010

January 15, 2011

March 15, 2011

Initial Notification* By

February 15, 2011

April 1, 2011

June 1, 2011


Priority consideration for merit scholarships and/or off-site interviews

Provides best opportunity to attend Stern&aposs admitted student event (Pre-View) in April


*You will receive one of three initial notifications: invitation to interview, waitlist offer or denial of admission.

  International applicants:

  You are encouraged to apply by the November 15 deadline to facilitate visa arrangements and to have priority consideration for off-site interviews, if desired. You may also apply for the January 15 and March 15 deadlines.

  JD/MBA and MBA/MFA deadlines:

  The application deadline for the dual JD/MBA is February 1.

  The application deadlines for the dual MBA/MFA are on or bore January 15 (Stern) and December 1 (Tisch).

  Incomplete Applications:

  If your application is not complete (for example, missing test scores, illegible scanned transcript, no essays or other items) you will be informed via email. If you do not provide a completed application by the deadline, we cannot guarantee notification by the initial notification date.


  Please note the following details when completing the Essays section of the online application. The following essay questions give you the opportunity to more fully present yourself to the Admissions Committee and to provide insight into your experiences, goals and thought processes. Your essays should be written entirely by you. An offer of admission will be revoked if you did not write your essays. Please note the following:

  Essays 1, 2 and 4 must be typed and submitted using the standard U.S. 8 1/2” x 11” format, double-spaced, in 12-point font.

  Please adhere to the essay word limits provided for each question.

  Word limits apply to the total question. For example, your response to Essay 1 should answer part (a), part (b) and part (c) with a total maximum of 750 words.

  Label the top of each essay with the following: Name, Date of Birth (month, day, year), Essay Number and Page Number (e.g.: Joe Applicant, January 1, 1983, Essay 1, Page 1) 宁老师评论:到目前为之,NYU Stern应该是第一个一点变化都没有的TOP School。相对于其他的学校而言,一成不变也是需要勇气的。不过,这样的决策却让很多申请人受益,不少人拿着去年的Essay题目早就开始准备素材了。

  Essay 1. Professional Aspirations

  (750 word maximum, double-spaced, 12-point font)

  Think about the decisions you have made in your life. Answer the following:

  (a) What choices have you made that led you to your current position?

  (b) Why pursue an MBA at this point in your life?

  (c) What is your career goal upon graduation from NYU Stern? What is your long-term career goal?

  Admissions Tips:

  Listen to our podcast: Essays.

  Proofread your essays carully.

  Make sure you have fully answered the essay questions.

  Be genuine in your essays - tell us about the real you.

  Follow the essay instructions, including word limits and font size.宁老师评论:没变化,去年就是这个要求。在思考a题目的时候,推荐大家看一篇最近发布的HBR文章:Earn the Right to Serve; &aposbut don&apost get crazy&apos,不论申请人的工作经历是否复杂,都要作好准备来justify your decision-making while taking A instead of B. 我推荐的这篇文章中有这样三段话,我觉得很有价值,特别摘出来:Who you serve is a rlection of your priorities;How you serve is a rlection of your heart;Why you serve is a rlection of your motives.

  By Mbamission(2009-2010)

  Because Personal Statements are similar from one application to the next, we have produced the “MBA Mission Personal Statement Guide.” We offer this guide to candidates free of charge, via our online store. Please feel free to download your copy today.

  By clearadmit(2009-2010)

  This is your standard career goals/why MBA essay, with a few interesting quirks. First, note that the initial section requests that applicants rlect on and explain the choices they’ve made to date, placing a bit of extra emphasis on the presentation of one’s career as a coherent and directed whole. While it’s always important to explain the reasons you’ve moved from one company to the next, you’ll also want to think about the more subtle decisions you’ve made to further your professional development. Have you actively sought out more responsibility? Requested an assignment with an eye to gaining a certain skill?

  This essay is a great place for you to highlight your initiative and foresight in the process of relating your career progression to the adcom. Within the same theme of deliberate decision-making, the second thing to keep in mind is the prominence of the ‘why now’ issue. A thorough and well reasoned answer to this question will be a must for a solid response. Beyond your career path to date and the ‘why now’ issue, Stern will be looking for a detailed explanation of your short and long-term career plans and interest in the MBA as a means to realize these goals.

  This is a lot of information to pack into a 750 word essay, but introducing the central elements of one’s candidacy in such a bri essay is dinitely achievable, provided that applicants take their time to compose well-crafted and concise responses.

  By vibranture(2009-2010)

  This is a straight career progression and career goals essay from Stern NYU. But it is also more than that. The clearly delineated questions allow space for Pre-Stern, Stern and Post-Stern phases of your career. But if you can tie them in with the basic theme of your NYU Stern essay you can also blend in non-career aspects that are relevant to your story. The "choices" part of the essay is why I have such a high regard for the NYU Stern essays. Now you have to push yourself, look beyond a straight career narration and explore and reveal parts of your personality as well. Yummy! - use this opportunity.

  The NYU Stern "why MBA now" question is tougher than usual because the second essay is a thorough Stern centric analysis and expression essay. So you might not get away with putting in some basic info gleaned from the Stern website - that and more will be needed for NYU Stern essay 2. The approach might be to look for a connecting link between part a. and part c. of the essay and then try to bring New York University and Stern into the picture if required.

  Treat the Post-Stern "career goal" question with moderation and realism. Be specific, both about the industry and the role you are seeking. This however is not a dream job essay: the earlier parts of the essay should lead to your goal. Remember that there is a reason why these three questions are grouped together. Find and express a logical link between the three phases. Perfect links are acceptable but do make them credible; small deviations in career progress which retain credibility are far better than a perfect career progression that challenges credulity.

  Essay 2. Your Stern Experience

  (500 word maximum, double-spaced, 12-point font)

  We take great care to shape the Stern community with individuals who possess both intellectual and interpersonal strengths. We seek individuals who are highly intelligent, collaborative and committed to flourishing as Stern leaders. Please answer the following questions:

  (a) What is your personal experience with the Stern community? Tell us what actions you have taken to learn about us.

  (b) Describe what most excites you about Stern from both an academic and extracurricular perspective.

  (c) How do you anticipate making your mark on the Stern community? Be specific about the roles you will take on and the impact you hope to achieve.

  Admissions Tip:

  To see if Stern is a fit for you, come visit us in New York City or at one of our events around the world.


  看过《北京人在纽约》这部电视剧的同志们都应该记得那段经典台词。New York!你爱它吗?即便申请人爱纽约要死,也未必可以作为申请Stern的有说服力理由。仔细看看Admissions Tip,试想,如果申请人没有做过school visit,甚至连information session都没有参加过,谁会相信你的陈述?

  仔细看一下clearadmit的分析文字的第一段话,身边有一个CBS,而且双方都strong in finance,NYU Stern对申请人对自己的态度过分的关注也就情有可原了。就好像一对双胞胎美女招婿,你去了,看上A,你说她比B漂亮,她也一定会问,到底哪里漂亮……

  By Mbamission(2009-2010)

  New Yorkis an incredible asset for an MBA program, as it keeps students close to professional opportunities and attracts many great MBA candidates who simply love the city. However, from NYU’s perspective, New York can also be a liability, as many students who have worked in New York may be more focused on the lives that they have thus far been living, instead of immersing themselves in the Stern community. Stern is determined to select candidates who will truly buy-in to the community and this essay is a first step in weeding out those who have not done their homework or simply do not understand the nature of the experience.

  To make your impression on the MBA Admissions Committee, you will need to discuss a prior experience with the school, via your personal interactions with alumni, students and/or admissions officers, and especially via a campus visit. For those who are abroad, it is still possible to learn a great deal by reaching out to the school to arrange to speak with current students or alumni by phone or to attend Stern outreach events abroad. Discussing repeated visits to the school’s Web sites will show only that you have achieved a minimum; it is vital that you show specific fort in your research and thus purpose in your application. Additionally, as you explore “what most excites you about Stern from an academic and extracurricular perspective” it is important that you not just create a long list of classes and professors, but that you connect and apply these experiences to your goals and interests. (Again, please consult the MBA Mission Personal Statement Guide, for examples.) Similarly, as you discuss your “mark on the community,” it is not sufficient to list the clubs you will join. It is important that you show how you will immerse yourself in the Stern community — remember, the school wants to see “impact.”

  By clearadmit(2009-2010)

  Sensitive to the fact that applicants targeting Stern may also be applying to other programs that are strong in finance – especially regional peer Columbia – NYU is essentially asking applicants exactly how much homework they’ve done on the school.Obviously, the more information you can provide about trips to campus, visits to classes and conversations with students and alums, the more sincere your interest in the program will seem. You might consider reading Clear Admit’s NYU/Stern School Guide to help you in this area of the essay.

  Eliminating last year’s somewhat disjointed question about constructive feedback, the Stern adcom is now encouraging applicants to delve even deeper into the question of “why Stern.” Through asking applicants to discuss what excites them from an academic and extracurricular standpoint, the adcom indicates a strong interest in a candidate’s sense of fit. In making the case that Stern is right for them given their personalities and professional goals, candidates will want to touch on specifics of the academic and extracurricular programs, bringing relevant aspects of their backgrounds into the discussion as well.

  Essay 2c is a logical follow-up to Essay 2b, asking applicants to discuss how they will make a difference in the Stern community. After identifying the academic offerings and extracurriculars that interest them in Essay 2b, applicants may then share how they would contribute to these programs. For instance, an applicant might explain how he or she is interested in the Graduate Finance Association and then move on to discuss the leadership role that he or she would hope to play in organizing a certain conference or speaker series. By being clear about how you will contribute, you will make it easier for the adcom to picture you as an active and valued member of the Stern community.

  By vibranture(2009-2010)

  (a) Again, hats off to NYU Stern. This is probably the most specific "why this B School?" application essay of the entire lot. And it obligates you to really work hard if you want to give a decent response to Stern. How serious are you about seeking admission at Stern? What kind of online and offline research have you done so far? Have you talked to current students or alumni? Have you visited Stern or any of the fairs or receptions hosted by them?

  (b) Why have you chosen Stern NYU as your career-changing tool? How will Stern help you learn and develop professionally and aid you in achieving your future career goals? What extracurricular activities at Stern excite and how are you qualified to learn from or contribute to those activities? Answering these questions should suffice for this part of the essay. How YOU benit personally and professionally from Stern has to be expressed very differently from the thousands of other applicants. So strike that distinctive note, go beyond the obvious answers and distinguish yourself from your competition. Please ensure that there is minimal overlap with the next part of the essay and with the first essay.

  (c) How would you contribute to the Stern NYU community? Which of your interests, ideas and strengths would make an impact at Stern? What type of student club or campus community event do you envisage yourself leading? Which event or club would you initiate? Which Stern activities would you be "involved" with? Thoroughly research student clubs, events, campus community activities and student life at Stern, and then choose the appropriate activity that dovetails with your tastes and aptitude. Instead of simply detailing activities you might be part of try to use the essay to demonstrate your leadership/team/learning skills and potential.

  Essay 3. Personal Expression

  Please describe yourself to your MBA classmates. You may use almost any method to convey your message (e.g. words, illustrations). Feel free to be creative.

  If you will submit Essay 3 via mail or by providing an online link, please provide a bri description of your submission and its relevance to your MBA application.

  Please note the following guidelines and restrictions:

  Your submission becomes the property of NYU Stern and cannot be returned for any reason.

  If you submit a written essay, it should be 500 words maximum, double-spaced, 12-point font.

  If you have a multimedia submission, you may:

  Mail a CD, DVD or USB flash drive.

  Include an online link in your submission description.

  The Admissions Committee reserves the right to request an alternate Essay 3 if we are unable to view your submission.

  Do not submit anything perishable (e.g. food).

  Mailed materials must be postmarked by the deadline date. To submit Essay 3 by mail, please follow the mail and labeling instructions.

  Please note that mailed Essay 3 packages are subject to size restrictions. Essays that exceed the statedsize restrictions will not be accepted for review by the Admissions Committee. Please see the table below for the maximum package size guidelines:

Packaging Type

Dimensions: Metric

Dimensions: Non-metric


36cm x 31cm x 8cm

14” x 12” x 3”

Cylindrical tube

8cm x 91cm

3” x 36”

Triangular tube

97cm x 16cm x 16 cm x 16 cm

38” x 6” x 6” x 6”

  Admissions Tip:

  Listen to Isser Gallogly, Executive Director of MBA Admissions, discuss Essay 3 on Public Radio&aposs "Marketplace". (Please note that we have updated Essay 3 size restrictions and multimedia submissions including CDs, DVDs, USB flash drives and online links are now accepted.)


  By Mbamission(2009-2010)

  In NYU’s famed essay three, you are offered a phenomenal opportunity to differentiate yourself in two distinct ways. First, you can differentiate yourself via the vehicle that you choose to reveal your persona. By choosing a creative and captivating format, you can grab the Admissions Committee’s attention and compel them to read your content more closely. Remember though, while a baseball card may be aesthetically pleasing, it may not be a good format because it limits the information that you can convey (a picture, your height, weight, birth date and a very bri bio). Instead, if you were to write a eulogy theoretically written by your best friend (don’t use this idea; it is now public) it would be sufficiently broad to allow you to probe all that is unique about your profile. Indeed, once you have set yourself apart via your “vehicle,” you advance the second mode of differentiation – your content. Ideally, you will exploit the opportunity to showcase a diversity of professional, personal, academic and community accomplishments, few of which will be advertised in essays 1 or 2. Essay three is the ideal opportunity to reveal your true personality and “likeability” beyond your professional/academic competencies.

  By clearadmit(2009-2010)

  This essay gives applicants a chance to showcase their creative side by allowing them a broad range of (non-perishable) possible media in which to express themselves. Candidates with an artistic inclination, or those who harbor a passion that could be better conveyed through a method other than prose, might seriously consider submitting a poem, photograph or visual representation of their message.

  Of course, it’s crucial to carully consider just what needs to be communicated in this introduction to your future classmates. You’ll want to think rlectively about your values and personality as well as strategically about what makes you unique with respect to other applicants. Naturally, you’ll also want to communicate your enthusiasm about meeting and working with your classmates, and perhaps include a comment about how you would engage them that does not cover the same ground as your first two essays. With these concerns in mind, it might not come as a surprise that, over the years, we’ve found that the written word tends to be the most fective format for a high percentage of applicants. There is still a great deal of room in which to be creative; for instance, your essay might be the opening to a chapter in an autobiography, or a snapshot of a typical day.

  While Chicago Booth’s creative “essay” involving the use of PowerPoint may help get the creative juices flowing, applicants would be ill advised to fully recycle material between the two essays (e.g. submitting a PowerPoint presentation to Stern), as this would likely be quite conspicuous.

  By vibranture(2009-2010)

  First and foremost take some time to forget the "creative" part of the question. Figure out the various points that you would like the Stern NYU admissions committee to know about you that have not been covered in Essays 1 and 2. Try to look at the situation from an admissions committee and then a Stern NYU classroom viewpoint. Once again the subject is YOU. Perhaps you can try a different take, but the subject remains the same. While the question asks for a class perspective, you do NOT have to restrict yourself to that mode IF you have a clearly better approach. NOW think of the creative aspect.

  Unleash your imagination. Forget about presenting your unique variety of Fragrant Fried Rice or an ice sculpture (how&aposll you transport it?); and they don&apost want your old clothes either. So what&aposs lt? Hand drawings, photographs, a short one-act play, a collage - and any number of other options. If you really start thinking about it you can do much better than that. And please do not ask ME for a creative option - I am saving it for my NYU Stern application.

  Essay 4.Additional Information(optional)

  Please provide any additional information that you would like to bring to the attention of the Admissions Committee. This may include current or past gaps in employment, further explanation of your undergraduate record or self-reported academic transcript(s), plans to retake the GMAT, GRE and/or TOEFL or any other relevant information.

  If you are unable to submit a recommendation from your current supervisor, you must explain your reason in Essay 4.

  If you are a re-applicant from last year, please explain how your candidacy has improved since your last application.

  If you are applying to a dual degree program, please explain your decision to pursue a dual degree.By vibranture(2009-2010)

  Here&aposs that Stern optional essay again: the essay that you need to work on even if you don’t write it. The main question in any NYU Stern optional essay is to decide whether you need to write it at all. Of course under the specific circumstances mentioned in the question, an explanation MUST be given. If not, attempt the NYU Stern optional essay only if you feel that your essay will improve the factual and material strength of your application.

  Do not submit your Stern NYU optional essay as an addendum to any of your essays. Do not submit your optional essay because you feel the quality of your earlier essays is improvable – in which case you should actually redouble your forts in the earlier essays and leave the optional essay alone.

  Use the Stern NYU optional essay to explain shortfalls in your application which you feel are truly detrimental to your candidature. Areas of underperformance (academic or professional or GMAT) or events which stick out (gaps in your resumes or second MBA) or application issues (reapplications) can be commented on if you have an explanation that is intelligent, interesting and credible. One other situation when an optional essay is acceptable is when you need to describe at length an extraordinarily positive information that just CANNOT be accommodated in the other essays.

  In case you find any of the above applicable, note down the options and then consider again if the optional essay is a strong constructive addition to your candidacy. If yes, then start working on the essay.

  Go for it!

NYU Stern Application Tips and Deadlines (2010-2011)NYU Stern Application Tips and Deadlines (2010-2011)NYU Stern Application Tips and Deadlines (2010-2011)NYU Stern Application Tips and Deadlines (2010-2011)

  NYU Stern Essay Analysis Deadlines, 2010-2011

  Application Deadlines for the Full-time MBA program

  Online applications must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. U.S. Eastern Time on the day of the deadline. Any mailed application material must be postmarked by the deadline date.


1st Deadline

2nd Deadline

3rd Deadline

Application Due

November 15, 2010

January 15, 2011

March 15, 2011

Initial Notification* By

February 15, 2011

April 1, 2011

June 1, 2011


Priority consideration for merit scholarships and/or off-site interviews

Provides best opportunity to attend Stern&aposs admitted student event (Pre-View) in April


*You will receive one of three initial notifications: invitation to interview, waitlist offer or denial of admission.

  International applicants:

  You are encouraged to apply by the November 15 deadline to facilitate visa arrangements and to have priority consideration for off-site interviews, if desired. You may also apply for the January 15 and March 15 deadlines.

  JD/MBA and MBA/MFA deadlines:

  The application deadline for the dual JD/MBA is February 1.

  The application deadlines for the dual MBA/MFA are on or bore January 15 (Stern) and December 1 (Tisch).

  Incomplete Applications:

  If your application is not complete (for example, missing test scores, illegible scanned transcript, no essays or other items) you will be informed via email. If you do not provide a completed application by the deadline, we cannot guarantee notification by the initial notification date.


  Please note the following details when completing the Essays section of the online application. The following essay questions give you the opportunity to more fully present yourself to the Admissions Committee and to provide insight into your experiences, goals and thought processes. Your essays should be written entirely by you. An offer of admission will be revoked if you did not write your essays. Please note the following:

  Essays 1, 2 and 4 must be typed and submitted using the standard U.S. 8 1/2” x 11” format, double-spaced, in 12-point font.

  Please adhere to the essay word limits provided for each question.

  Word limits apply to the total question. For example, your response to Essay 1 should answer part (a), part (b) and part (c) with a total maximum of 750 words.

  Label the top of each essay with the following: Name, Date of Birth (month, day, year), Essay Number and Page Number (e.g.: Joe Applicant, January 1, 1983, Essay 1, Page 1) 宁老师评论:到目前为之,NYU Stern应该是第一个一点变化都没有的TOP School。相对于其他的学校而言,一成不变也是需要勇气的。不过,这样的决策却让很多申请人受益,不少人拿着去年的Essay题目早就开始准备素材了。

  Essay 1. Professional Aspirations

  (750 word maximum, double-spaced, 12-point font)

  Think about the decisions you have made in your life. Answer the following:

  (a) What choices have you made that led you to your current position?

  (b) Why pursue an MBA at this point in your life?

  (c) What is your career goal upon graduation from NYU Stern? What is your long-term career goal?

  Admissions Tips:

  Listen to our podcast: Essays.

  Proofread your essays carully.

  Make sure you have fully answered the essay questions.

  Be genuine in your essays - tell us about the real you.



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