


2017/07/25 23:25:54 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:277 移动端


  Columbia has released its questions as many of you know, and there’s an interesting change from last year. Gone are the questions about Master Classes and about team failure; the application is now simply two big questions [listed below for your benit].

  One can only speculate as to why Columbia changed it up in this way, but what interests us is: “What does this mean for you?”

  Well, let’s figure it out.

  Clearly they were getting too much information compared to what they need in order to make a meaningful decision. Put another way, cutting the essays down, they’re really indicating very clearly that all they really wanna know is: (1) what are your goals, and (2) what are YOU all about? They’re picking PEOPLE, after all, and not just resumes.

  Essay 1 remains a “classic” Career Goal essay. We’ve dug hard on it here in the blog, and we’ll continue to dig hard—there is absolutely NO such thing as too much analysis on this question. It is the cornerstone of the app—all apps.

  (1) Communicate clear goals—non-MBAs should understand them fully

  (2) Connect your past experiences and inspiration TO the goals—what you’re really doing here is convincing the reader that you “belong” at this party. You “belong” to your goals. You have good cause to pursue them. And will likely be successful.

  (3) Map out a sensible PLAN—make us picture the path of success…

  (4) Indicate how CBS helps YOU achieve YOUR GOALS – not how CBS is a good school and can help your average MBA student; anyone can write an essay about that, but only you can write the one about your specific goals.

  Onto Essay 2.

  We are seeing here a trend that is rlected in many business schools and the business community on the whole that comes from a sort of existential crisis, in which it’s not enough just to succeed, but to succeed in something that has personal significance, that connects you to the world, because that is both how you will find the most personal fulfillment, as well as bring yourself success.

  This one’s all about WHO YOU ARE. (Not to be confused with the Pete Townshend song.)

  Two huge concerns here:

  (1) Be Alive

  (2) Let your personality SPARKLE – and therore be MEMORABLE.

  Be Alive:

  If you come across inert, chances are, your reader won’t even get through your application, let alone remember it. There needs to be momentum, spark, energy, enthusiasm, passion, aggressiveness, drive. You get the idea. How do you achieve that? Easy:


  If you think about stuff you love, you SHOULD find that when you write about it, your brain is flying at a speed that is physically impossible for your fingers to keep pace with. This is… great. Your first draft should be almost gibberish because you were too damn excited about whatever it was you were writing about. Get that energy down. You can work on clarity and ficiency and word choice and all that fine-tuning stuff in due time. If you start with a sluggish block of stone though, the thing will always just be dead weight.

  Be Memorable:

  What you’re interested in should REVEAL something about you. So, this is not so much about WHAT you’re saying, as HOW you’re saying it. Show us the passion. Make us get excited about the AUTHOR, not the AUTHOR’S topic. See the difference?

  Imagine a really hot woman wrote a review of a particular restaurant. Imagine her review to be written in a kind of sexy, flirty way. At the end of it, you should want to meet HER more than you want to eat at the restaurant. Same exact thing here. Make it so that while your reader might be interested in the stuff you’re talking about, he’s more interested in meeting YOU because there was a “quality” that leapt off the page.

  If you say “I like freedom” or “I would love for there to world peace” or “I am interested in real estate” … we learn nothing. But, if you said “If someone told me I had 24 hours to live and handed me $1M in cash, I would immediately buy myself a one-way ticket [First Class] to Buenos Aires. Why? Because there’s a street-food vendor at the corner of Uriarte and Cordoba who makes a be empanada that is worth dying for.” —-> Now, I don’t give a rat’s tookus about anything OTHER than… I’m hooked. I like this kid. I want to like this kid. I see some energy here. I see fire. He can talk about anything, and I’m likely to be SOLD. If you come across smart, energetic, inventive, active, etc… it is EASY to picture you SUCCEEDING at whatever you attack. And that, my dear friends, is the key.

  Rip into it. Show us who you are and what you’re all about. Reveal something about yourself. Don’t force it. Don’t try to out-creative your own passions. Start by asking yourself what are you ACTUALLY interested in? Truly? Generate a list, pick your favorite three (pick the three that make you smile just THINKING about it) and then fire up three word-vomits (pardon the unsavory image). Then see which one (on a second read) has some juice in it.

  This is a fun essay question, so… have fun with it.

  Good luck everyone- as aways !! :)

编辑推荐:2010-2011美国沃顿商学院MBA申请Essay questions

     2010-2011年哈佛商学院(HBS)Essay questions



  Columbia has released its questions as many of you know, and there’s an interesting change from last year. Gone are the questions about Master Classes and about team failure; the application is now simply two big questions [listed below for your benit].

  One can only speculate as to why Columbia changed it up in this way, but what interests us is: “What does this mean for you?”

  Well, let’s figure it out.

  Clearly they were getting too much information compared to what they need in order to make a meaningful decision. Put another way, cutting the essays down, they’re really indicating very clearly that all they really wanna know is: (1) what are your goals, and (2) what are YOU all about? They’re picking PEOPLE, after all, and not just resumes.

  Essay 1 remains a “classic” Career Goal essay. We’ve dug hard on it here in the blog, and we’ll continue to dig hard—there is absolutely NO such thing as too much analysis on this question. It is the cornerstone of the app—all apps.

  (1) Communicate clear goals—non-MBAs should understand them fully

  (2) Connect your past experiences and inspiration TO the goals—what you’re really doing here is convincing the reader that you “belong” at this party. You “belong” to your goals. You have good cause to pursue them. And will likely be successful.

  (3) Map out a sensible PLAN—make us picture the path of success…

  (4) Indicate how CBS helps YOU achieve YOUR GOALS – not how CBS is a good school and can help your average MBA student; anyone can write an essay about that, but only you can write the one about your specific goals.

  Onto Essay 2.

  We are seeing here a trend that is rlected in many business schools and the business community on the whole that comes from a sort of existential crisis, in which it’s not enough just to succeed, but to succeed in something that has personal significance, that connects you to the world, because that is both how you will find the most personal fulfillment, as well as bring yourself success.

  This one’s all about WHO YOU ARE. (Not to be confused with the Pete Townshend song.)

  Two huge concerns here:

  (1) Be Alive

  (2) Let your personality SPARKLE – and therore be MEMORABLE.

  Be Alive:

  If you come across inert, chances are, your reader won’t even get through your application, let alone remember it. There needs to be momentum, spark, energy, enthusiasm, passion, aggressiveness, drive. You get the idea. How do you achieve that? Easy:



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