

面经达人:Penn State Smeal MBA面试分享.

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Penn state U, Smeal business school. 13号晚上的面试,总结出来,但愿对面PSU的朋友有所启发和帮助。

1. go through resume and why mba now?

2. why smeal? concern about Smeal. 也就是让你说说smeal有什么不好或者让你担心的地方。

3. 问我是不是毕业后要回到工程领域?估计其他也会问类似的问题吧。

4. If you want a higher position after MBA, what is your strategy to get that?

5. Merit and disadvantage of teamwork?

6. Ethical dilemma?

7. If your classmates in MBA class first see you, what will they describe you? After three months studying, what will they describe you again?

8. Tell me a recent news you have red and what impct it gave to you?



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