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  哥伦比亚大学商学院坐落于世界金融中心纽约,依其独特优势与华尔街等金融界保持密切的联系。哥伦比亚有好多领域具有不可比拟的优势:finance, international business, realestate, media management,entrepreneurship等等。其最大的价值在于它的课程和现实紧密结合。今天给大家讲讲哥伦比亚大学商学院的核心课程。

  Columbia Business School’s core curriculum represents about 40 percent of the MBA degree requirement — two full courses and 12 half-term courses, three of which students select from “flex-core” menus. A staple of the Columbia experience, the core curriculum is designed to give students an in-depth mastery of the academic disciplines and applied functional areas necessary to every business leader’s success. Taught by both full-time professors and practitioners, the core leaves students with more than just practical knowledge; case-based lessons and collaborative learning models train students to analyze, decide, and lead — rather than merely know — while creating a common student experience that fosters a deep and tenacious community.


  Bore each semester, exemption exams are offered, allowing students already deeply versed in a particular subject area the opportunity to replace core courses with electives.


  First Term Core Courses

1st half Corporate Finance Financial Accounting Managerial Statistics Managerial Economics Strategy Formulation
2nd half Marketing Strategy Operations Management Leadership Development

  Second Term Core Courses

1st half Global Economic Environment Decision Models Managing Marketing Programs Elective 1 Elective 2
2nd half Menu 1: Organizations Menu 2: Performance Menu 3: Markets

  “Flex-Core” Menu 

Organizations Performance Markets
Organizational Change Operations Strategy Game Theory and Business
Power and Influence Financial Planning and Analysis Global Economic Environment II: Business Cycles and Financial Markets
Social Networks and Social Capital Incentives and Performance






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