

麻省理工商学院2017-2017 Essay Topics.

2017/07/25 22:42:06 编辑: 浏览次数:339 移动端

  麻省理工商学院被认为是美国最杰出的商学院之一,我们今天要给大家介绍的是MIT商学院2010-2011 Essay Topics。MIT斯隆管理学院拥有许多顶尖的学术课程,包括MBA课程,关于创新与全球领导课程的斯隆院士计划、制造业领袖课程、大学生管理科学课程与博士课程。此外,还提供一系列不授予学位的经理人进修课程。

  Cover Letter

  Prepare a cover letter seeking a place in the MIT Sloan MBA Program. Describe your accomplishments and include an example of how you had an impact on a group or organization. Your letter should conform to standard business correspondence and be addressed to Mr. Rod Garcia, Director of MBA Admissions. (500 words or fewer)

  Essay 1

  Please describe a time when you went beyond what was dined, expected, established, or popular. (500 words or fewer, limited to one page)

  Essay 2

  Please describe a time when you convinced an individual or group to accept one of your ideas. (500 words or fewer, limited to one page)

  Essay 3

  Please describe a time when you took responsibility for achieving an objective. (500 words or fewer, limited to one page)



  Massachusetts Institute of Technology麻省理工学院

  麻省理工斯隆学院(MIT sloan)的MBA申请标准

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