

哈佛商学院MBA Essay Topics 2017-2017.

2017/07/25 22:40:56 编辑: 浏览次数:308 移动端

  以下是哈佛商学院MBA 2011-2012的Essay Topics ,大家可以拿去进行练习。写好哈佛商学院MBA Essay对于申请的成败有着举足轻重的作用,因为招生委员会通过Essay可以对你有一个详尽地了解,这很重要。

  哈佛商学院MBA Essays for the Class of 2014

  As an opportunity to present your distinctive qualities, your essays are an important part of your MBA application. You will be asked to submit your essays online with the rest of your application materials. Essays should be single-spaced. Please limit your response to the length indicated.

  Joint program applicants for the Harvard Medical School, Harvard School of Dental Medicine, Harvard Law School, and Harvard Kennedy School must provide an additional essay.

  Essays (MBA applicants only):

  All application questions below are required.

  Tell us about three of your accomplishments. (600 words)

  Tell us three setbacks you have faced. (600 words)

  Why do you want an MBA? (400 words)

  Answer a question you wish we&aposd asked. (400 words)

  Joint degree applicants:

  How do you expect the joint degree experience to benit you on both a professional and a personal level? (400 words)

  Essay Questions for Harvard 2+2 MBA Program Applicants

  All application questions below are required.

  Tell us about three of your accomplishments. (600 words)

  Tell us three setbacks you have faced. (600 words)

  Why do you want an MBA? (400 words)

  What would you like the MBA Admissions Board to know about your undergraduate academic experience? (400 words)

  以上就是哈佛商学院MBA Essay Topics 2011-2012,对于每一个申请哈佛商学院的学生来说这都具有很重要的参考价值。哈佛商学院MBA可以说是MBA教育的鼻祖,是很多MBA申请人所向往的,当大家成绩相当的时候,一篇好的Essay就显得尤为重要了。





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