

美国MBA申请:Carlson MBA面经分享.

刚刚更新 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:375 移动端

  美国mba申请基本上需要过面试这一关,对申请者来说,申请美国mba面试准备应该从哪些方面着手呢?下面,澳际留学整理一位申请者的Carlson MBA面试经验分享,希望对大家有所帮助。

  像其他同学说的一样,pete非常非常nice 笑了好多次,而且都不是尴尬的笑,让你很放松。


  Introduce yourself(what your current work relate you to your MBA study) and your after graduation plan.

  why Carlson.

  why now.

  long term goal.

  Your leadership style.

  How do you communicate with you boss colleague or clients?

  Have you ever made a mistake and what did you do about that?

  What will you do if the project you lead is in emergence(has difficulties in meeting deadlines)What will you do if unexpected things happened?

  Other school you applied.

  anything else you want to add?my questions.

  45分钟左右 电话面试 感觉比skype自然点 祝各位Carlson candidates receive offers in the morning and jump out of bed some day.


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