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  很多同学一听到宾大,可能立刻想到的就是他的商学院---沃顿,但是沃顿的要求之高往往让申请者望洋兴叹,认识的有两个同学现在也在沃顿读书,但是他们当时都不是直接申请去读沃顿商学院,他们都申请的是宾大的System Engineering(系统工程),这个专业在宾大被称为小沃顿,在课程体系里,除了Electrical Syestems engineering的主干课程,还会设置大量的沃顿的商学院课程(应用统计分析,系统优化,经济系统分析),授课老师也是沃顿商学院的 Professor,因此一些有工科背景的同学都很想未来转向商科,那么这种似乎曲线救国的方式其实更加适合你,更加能提升你的专业关联度,因此建议大家要了解美国大学的一些专业的培养体系和课程设置,不能只盯着专业的名字,要进行深入了解。以下大家可以看一下宾夕法尼亚大学的系统工程系的培养体系和核心课程设置,对于那些想转向未来商科的工科背景(尤其是电类专业)的同学应该会立刻解惑。

  Our flexible curriculum allows you to tailor your studies to your personal interests and goals. From signal processing, optimization, simulation, control and cybernetics to complex adaptive systems, stochastic processes and decision sciences.

  Our graduates are found in leadership positions in major companies like Lockheed-Martin or pursuing doctoral degrees at Penn or other major research universities.

  The MSE program is designed for highly-qualified students who will become leaders in the increasingly complex field of systems engineering. Entering students generally have baccalaureate degrees in the engineering, mathematical, physical or economic sciences. Students with degrees in other fields who have expertise in quantitative and computer analyses also enter the program.

  Systems Engineering MSE Curriculum

  Students must complete a total of ten graduate course units: four required core courses, two ESE courses, one SEAS course and three electives in SEAS, SAS or Wharton.

  Required core courses:

  * Introduction to Probability and Statistics

  * Economic Systems Analysis

  * Simulation Modeling and Analysis

  * Introduction to Optimization Theory


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