


2017/07/25 18:56:14 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:256 移动端


  申请美国MBA材料时总会遇到各种各样的问题,比如在网申上online application表格时,每个表格下面都让你描述duties/responsibilities,这个是需要把简历上的内容抄袭过来还是要自己重新去编写呢?


  JonFrank 答:Hey there! No, no need to repeat your resume. After all, why would they ask for the same thing twice! Here, they are looking for a bit more targeted information. So if on a resume, you list all ten things you do at a company, here you would only want to mention the main ones. The big picture. And of course you could talk about those main things in more detail, if the word limits allow. But make it easy for them, so that they will understand who you are, and what you MAIN job is. You will want to be more selective here, not less.

  Hope this helps!


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