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  1. Securing a highGMAT score.


  2. Securing a one-year degree with high grades to provide a different GPA for the committeeto rerence. If you had a 1.5 GPA from college, but you enroll in aone-year master’s degree program and earn a 3.8 GPA, most admissions committeeswill give greatest weight to the most recent degree, so this strategy can helpyou override the GPA from your earlier degree.


  3. Time. The more time you put between your lower-than-ideal GPAand applying, the less relevant your GPA will be. If you apply only twoyears after college and you had a lower-than-ideal GPA, your GPA will likelyfactor much more strongly in your admissions outcome than if you put four yearsor more in between that GPA and applying.


  4. When assessing the strength of your GPA, similar broad guidelines apply. Certainly,statistics about each business school’s average GPA for matriculating studentscan help you gain a sense of your chances for admission. But beyond this,specifics matter a great deal. As with your GMAT score, your profile can affect whether the admissions committee will view your GPA as sufficient or not. Underrepresented profiles including women can often have GPAs lower than the average GPA for matriculating students to a particular school. Many men and overrepresented profiles often must have a GPA at or above the average GPA formatriculating students to a particular school.

  对于国际学生来说,JHU Carey需要第三方认证,所以提醒申请者,尽量腾出足够的时间来给第三方完成认证,去国外读MBA这通常需要一个月左右的时间。


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