


2017/07/25 17:38:28 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:386 移动端


  neptune7896在大作中写到: 平均70分的大学成绩,但有较强的工作背景与很好的essay,申请美国top20的MBA有没有希望?......

  Most schools will review GPA less than 3.0.(excluding berkerly and UCLA,and cambridge) However, as far as I know 70/100 means 2.5 more or less.It is really a backoff for you, because in ranking of USNEWS, they evaluateGPAs as one factor. So school who care for USNEWS ranking are reluctant torecruit low GPAs.

  For b-schools, sometimes, a ranking like a stock, they have to make theirstocks high even by hurting business. I mean abandon good guys.

  Everybody knows that some cool guys got a shit GPA in bachelor, the same inUS.

  Most canadian school have a tough line for GPA. A friend told me that such b-schools are not real b-schools, they want tobe a b-school, but actually still an academic school.

  for US second tier b-school , the 80% GPA range is about 2.7-3.6For third tier, it is 2.5-3.5, you know you still have a big chance. But for tops, it is 3.3-4.0 Anyway, this is a statistics of median 80%.

  For some schools, low GPA is fatal, for example, UCLA, UCBerkely, so do notwaste fees on them. But for some most good school, low GPA is not that terrible. And as I know, nothing could balance a lower GPA, just leave it here. Try to tell AdCom, that 1. you college gave you no opptunity to choosecourse. Or, Your parents forced you to enter some one major. Above two are common explanations Chinese used. But, try to apply NON-GPA-Loving schools, this is extremely important.

  I you found a school ranked higher in B-week, but low in USNEWS, then thatschool must be a careless one on GPA.A general rule for whom want really to learn some practical things in MBAprogram, ones ranked low in USNEWS but Higher in B-week probably are ideal,cause they are more of a business school rather than an academy. Use the UWNEWS ranking minus B-week ranks, if result is negative, thenforcus on it more, this is more likely to be a joke, but may reveal somacts.

  If you want to a an admirable PHD, go to ones like Stanford, if hope to bea money creator, go Warton. --- Above is my poor opinions. Hai, will you apply for next fall, if so, interested in communication more.

  Do not forge fake transcripts.


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