


2017/07/25 14:05:15 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:532 移动端



  Failed Internet Startup

  [Prompt: We all experience “dining moments, ” significant events that can have a major impact on our lives. Brily describe such an event and how it affected you.]

  The president of our company announced the final vote: “five to three in favor of ending the business.” Instantly, the tumultuous adventure of Versaworks abruptly ended. This web-based company we had founded aimed to promote an online reservation system for restaurants. Planning to run the company part-time while we sought initial business contracts to generate some base revenue, we had hoped to attract enough investors to provide funding for the team to work full-time. In the end, however, our inability to solidify relationships with restaurants led to the vote on closing the business, and the vote’s outcome was what everyone had expected.

  However, closing this chapter in my life allowed me to open a new one, as it caused me to re-evaluate my career goals. I asked myself, why was I so motivated to start a business in the first place? Why did I find its possibilities more rewarding than my successful engineering career? I came to realize that while engineering allowed me to apply my technical skills to developing advanced technology, I believed I had the opportunity and privilege to enhance people’s lives more fectively by guiding a collaborative fort, a whole company directed towards providing for the needs of its customers.

  In a word, today I understand that my long-term career goal is to maximize my contribution to society. Through my Versaworks experience, I gained a new perspective on what it takes to start a business. The closing of that project compelled me to rocus on my goals and evaluate what I need in order to achieve them. Today, I know that the pursuit of an MBA education is the next step I must take.



  整篇文章意图向读者体现的是作者具有很强的决策性能力,分析能力以及学习能力。为什么去美国读MBA,希望通过MBA学习之后培养什么样的能力都说得合情合理,将阅读者想要通过文章了解到作者申请MBA学位所应该具有的能力这种想法把握的非常清楚。可以说是非常成功的文章。很多的ESSAY 写作的时候都是没有能够把握住命题者的意图而产生下笔千言离题万里的情况,所体现的往往是很片面的东西,比如有的作者往往是说一些空洞的话,说自己具有什么样的能力,而并没有通过具体的事例体现出来,或者仅仅是对事件进行了详细的描述而没有说明自己通过事情得到了什么。这些通常是ESSAY写作失败的通病。而作者却规避了这些问题,用事件结合收获再推出想法的写作方式,完成了整篇文章。




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