


2017/07/25 10:37:59 编辑: 英国 浏览次数:121 移动端



  Philosophy/Psychology personal statement

  Why do humans act the way they do? It seems a simple question, but you&aposre as likely to know the answer as you are to learn of the meaning of life. But that doesn&apost mean we don&apost try.

  When I applied for college, I took Psychology simply because I was curious, but now, it enthrals me; studying the different theories put forward as to why we do certain things, or why we don&apost; delving into the minds of the depressed, the murderous or the deranged and generally trying to explain the things we do unconsciously, like conform. To what lengths can we know about ourselves and what we do? I want to know everything there is to know, to discover the answers, or understand the arguments and counter-arguments; to comprehend how our mind works and what purpose these functions have, or how we remember and recall; why we help or dend; how our mind can cause us illness. All these things are just a sample of what captivates me with Psychology, as well as reading the articles in &aposPsychology Review&apos, which I subscribed for this year.

  Along with Psychology, I wish to study Philosophy, which has fascinated me since my first lesson. I&aposve always been criticised for looking too deeply into things rather then just accepting them, but Philosophy showed me that I&aposm not the first, and certainly won&apost be the last, to do so. It is a lesson that&aposs different from the rest in that it teaches you how to think, not what to think. It gives you ideas of why we are here, or what brought us here. It spans several key areas including Theology, Politics and Biology. So, by studying one subject, other subjects are dealt with. It&aposs unique and severely underestimated. It&aposs a difficult subject, but one that allows your own personality to have access.

  This is why I think I&aposm a good applicant. I know I&aposm hardworking, and I&aposm dinitely dedicated to this course. Moreover, there were numerous times during school where I was asked to help during certain activities, such as showing people around on open days or making speeches on awards evenings, therore proving that I am responsible and reliable. Recently, I helped out at the college open evening for both Psychology and Philosophy, explaining to potential learners why I like the course and why they ought to consider taking it. I enjoy practical work and I did an experiment for my Psychology coursework, looking into the matching hypothesis, not long ago. This was fun and entertaining, and also involved great personal discipline and commitment to ensure it worked properly.

  Although individual work like this is almost second nature, I find teamwork to be a strongpoint, due to my part-time job at a hotel. This involves a great deal of cooperation, otherwise it would be impossible to do the job properly. Every person has a part to play, and if they didn&apost do their job, the rest of the circle would fall apart. The same applies in any team. Everyone needs to be involved and work properly for the rest of the team to advance. This became obvious when participating in the Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme. Although extremely fun and rewarding, this required intense teamwork during the walks and the other sections involved dedication and hard work. These attributes can help whilst studying for the course.

  It is for these reasons that the Joint-Award interests me. With it, I want to take a career in Psychology. I want to help this discipline in some way, or at least to ensure that what we know already is used to benit others. I want to learn a great deal of knowledge to be able to go into the world and use it to its full potential, either by helping expand our knowledge, use our awareness properly or, even, passing on the theories to new psychologists.

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