


2017/07/25 10:37:10 编辑: 英国 浏览次数:356 移动端



  Psychology and Education personal statement

  Childcare, as well as Psychology has fascinated me in all aspects of my school education and this motivated me to enter 6th form; the A levels that I took were based around the mental development of young children. This led me to question, as to the reason why children tended to misbehave in class, was it down to their genes or was it down to any new factors that hadn’t been identified bore? Psychology has developed hugely in the past decades and even now new research and theories are being produced. I feel that my determinism to study this vast subject would be ideal for my career.

  I am studying English Language, Psychology and Religious Studies at A level, these subjects have enabled me to delve deeper into the behavioral and psychological aspects that shapes the discussions that occur in a classroom. I have established a firm grasp on a variety of teaching methods which I perhaps would like to explore further. I plan to study this particular area, as this is one aspect of teaching that has always been changing and developing over the past twenty years, and I am interested in finding a new way to improve it still further. For example in Peer tutoring, so the students have a greater opportunity to develop their interaction skills. In English Language I predominantly enjoyed the Language acquisition topic in English and Psychology, as I was able to apply my previous knowledge and practical experience to the different theories that were being discussed. I have always been fascinated by how the mind works and the assortment of constant change that is linked to Psychology.

  To aid my interests, I spent six weeks with a primary school and participated in the paired reading scheme with a year two student; this gave me a real sense of pride in knowing that my time and forts were giving the children a headstart for the future.

  From December 2007 until July, I assisted with the lunchtime activities for the Key Stage 1 children at another primary school with Vinvolved. I found that within the first two weeks I had already formed strong relationships with certain individuals in the year, I was able to build up their social skills, enabling them to play alongside their class mates. Throughout the months, I was also able to observe their interactions between each other and formulate theories as to how to solve the problems that tended to arise. Moreover, I have completed my Duke of Edinburgh bronze award, in which I undertook a Childcare course and a first aid course as part of my service. I found the whole experience to be very valuable, as I developed my skills of endurance as well as map reading.

  During my time at school, I taught myself the acoustic Guitar and Piano and my extra-curricular activities include: cross country; enjoy triple jump; hurdles; football and badminton. At School I am a House Captain and a Prect, in which my duties require me to keep control in my specified area and to offer assistance to any pupils. This I think demonstrates my determination and organisation to fulfill my duty to the school. I currently work part-time at a Tesco Superstore and having to respond to customers needs in very busy situations has been a tough experience, but I have learnt to keep calm when things get strained. In my spare time, I am a Youth leader at the local youth club which attracts 50 secondary children held at a nearby Methodist church. This began as a difficult task at first, but after the children settled down, my relationship with every child has developed in the process, which has boosted my determination that Psychology is the ideal course for me to pursue.

  I hope to get a strong perceptive understanding of Psychology and to identify the cultural and social factors that have impacted our civilisation by undertaking my course at university. In particular I also plan to study deeper into the Educational Psychology aspect and that it will set the foundations for a Teaching profession in the near future.

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